Episode 20: Feeling It

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(Start where the last episode left off.)

Billy-I don't like that.

Rolly-I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

(She rolls to two other bees.)

Rolly-I need backup!


(He and CHICK join ROLLY. She tries to bounce up, but one bee cracks her egg.)

Rolly-Ugh! It's always the bees!

(She grabs a red circled egg. BILLY holds his breath.)

Rolly-Don't worry about me, Billy. I can take on a Crow with any sized egg!

(She knocks out the two remaining bees, which have both landed.)

Billy-Whew. She's okay.

(ROLLY picks up a few pieces of fruit. The egg grows a little.)

Konanie-As opposed to what?

(ROLLY jumps into a green ring, which launches her to a higher ledge. An armadillo Crow appears surrounded by antenna Crows. She begins rolling over the antenna Crows when the others catch up to her.)

Rolly-Hey, guys.

(She knocks out the armadillo.)

Bantam-Hey, Rolly.

(He knocks out the lizard Crow next to him.)

Billy-Rolly, I need you to listen to me. Konanie's planning to do something to you!

Konanie-I am not!

Billy-You should think first before grabbing another egg.

Rolly-How come?

(She picks up some fruit and then bounces over a fire jet.)

Billy-Konanie can attune our emotions to those of the eggs. Ready or not, you might just feel it.

Rolly-Billy, you can't be serious.

(She comes across a nest containing an orange egg with red flames. She pushes aside the egg she's holding and walks toward the orange egg.)

Rolly-There's no way I'm going to feel anything because there's nothing to

(She grabs the orange egg and immediately freezes. She gasps, covering her mouth with one hand. Opening theme.)

Bantam-What is it?

Chick-I don't think I've ever seen an egg like that before.


Konanie-What did you want me to do? Your friends can't feel anything without my interference. Chick, Bantam, they've only hatched eggs because of me. Rolly's had a shell around her heart for so long. Now that it's broken, we all need to be there for her.


(He walks up to ROLLY.)

Billy-Is that...is that a smile I see?

(ROLLY is staring at the egg, tears filling her eyes.)

Rolly-I don't know. I'm feeling so many things right now. Is this...what you meant by feeling it?

Billy-I guess so.

Allie-What are you doing just standing there? Roll the egg!

Rolly-Shut up!

(She rolls forward until she finds a fire jet. She bounces over it. They're back on the ledge except there's a group of basic Crows bouncing around.)

Bantam-You want us to step in for you, Rolly.

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