Episode 22: Giant Palace

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(Start in the Giant Palace. BILLY, ROLLY, CHICK, BANTAM, ERNIE, MATTIE, and ALLIE are standing in a dimly lit corridor.)

Ernie-Huh. We actually all made it.

Rolly-What. Were you expecting not to?

Ernie-I dunno. I never expected the Rainbow Gate to accommodate four humans and three seraphs.

Mattie-Well, we're all here. How's Billy doing?

(BILLY puts his hand on his chest.)

Billy-It's a...a heartbeat. I've never felt a heartbeat before. Besides my own, of course.

(KONANIE pops out of his suit.)

Konanie-That's a special property of the Giant Egg, and you can only feel it in the Giant Palace. That means you're getting close!

Billy-I can't wait to meet you!


Chick-What are you doing?

Billy-Just celebrating! Victory is just around the corner. Now, let's go hatch a giant egg!

(A golden light shines down on them.)

Menie-There are a few emblems of courage hidden throughout Giant Palace by ancient chickens. Billy, you must find all the emblems before you can face Master Raven.

Billy-Will do...How many are there?

Menie-I dunno. Four, five. Let's go with four. Now, do your job!

(The light disappears.)

Billy-Okay. Let's do it!

(Opening theme. He grabs a red streaked egg and dashes forward. A group of antenna Crows and a cat Crow appear. He charges through a couple of the antenna Crows and hits the cat once. The cat attacks, cracking the egg.)

Billy-A little help here, guys!

Bantam-Sorry, Billy. We left all our eggs in Sand Ruin.


(He knocks out the cat. He rolls up to a window with no ledge beneath it.)

Rolly-Oh, no. We are not going that way.

Billy-I'd never dream of it.

(He finds a door to the left.)

Billy-Looks like we still gotta open that.

(He rolls over the remaining Crows and picks up their fruit. The egg grows to full size. A lizard Crow appears for a second before BILLY, not even noticing, knocks it out. Three more lizard appear. BILLY sees these and knocks them out.)

Ernie-It's official: full-size eggs are overpowered.

(The door opens. They run through it. On the other side is a ledge with a magenta ring ahead of it.)

Billy-So who's going first?

(ROLLY rolls in with an orange streaked egg.)

Rolly-I will.

(She dashes into the ring. It swings her around and to another ledge. There are three signs pointing to the right. The others catch up to her.)

Rolly-So, guys, which way do you think we gotta go?

(Six basic Crows appear.)

Billy-Nowhere yet.

(He knocks aside a few Crows and then jumps off the left side of the ledge, landing at the end of a walkway.)

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