Episode 17: The Caged Crow and the Emblem

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(Start where the last episode left off. KONANIE comes back up lifting BILLY in her arms. She places him on the walkway.)

Billy-Thanks again, Konanie.

Konanie-No problem!

(She goes back into his suit.)

Chick-What the heck was that?

Billy-Konanie saved me. What does it look like?

Rolly-You realize you could have just pushed your egg down the track and walked through the door, right?

(ALLIE comes walking through the door.)

Allie-That's the actual solution. Billy's just being stubborn.

Billy-I forgot the egg once. I don't want to let it go again.

(He grabs his egg and bounces on the switch. The gate ahead opens, revealing the second wall and track. He jumps onto the ledge and breaks the fence.)

Chick-This almost seems too quiet.

Rolly-Eh, don't question it.

(BILLY rolls down the track with the egg. ROLLY and CHICK walk through the doors. Their eggs come close behind on the track. On the floor ahead is a cannon Crow surrounded by antenna Crows. The cannon shoots an antenna Crow out.)


Billy-Well, we don't have to keep looking at it. Let's keep going!

(He charges in and hits the cannon once. He rolls up a ramp and turns left. Ahead are three penguin Crows. He hits one and keeps going. He jumps on a track and rolls to another walkway.)

Billy-No Crows here.

(ROLLY and CHICK catch up to him.)

Rolly-When you say "keep going," you really mean it.

Billy-I thought you were the speedy one.

(ROLLY shrugs. BILLY jumps across a gap to another ledge with a green ring. He jumps in the ring and bounces him onto a roof with another green ring. He jumps in that ring, bouncing him to another roof with four cat Crows in cages.)

Billy-Requesting backup!

(ROLLY and CHICK join him.)

Rolly-We're right here, Billzer.

Chick-I think our first step is to press this button.

(He bounces on the switch in the middle. All of the cages break, and the cats charge towards them.)

Chick-Uh oh.

Billy-You set them free. Do something!

(One cat attacks.)

Billy-I said do something!

(Another cat attacks, breaking the egg. BILLY growls and grabs CHICK by his shirt collar.)

Billy-This is all your fault!

Chick-Menie said to defeat the Crows. I'm just doing my job.

Rolly-Maybe we can quit arguing and actually beat these things.

(BILLY grabs a blue-spotted egg and rolls over some antenna Crows while ROLLY and CHICK beat up the cats. BILLY picks up some of the fruit. The egg grows a little. One cat attacks, cracking the egg.)

Billy-Quit it!

(He rolls over two blue Crows and picks up their fruit. The egg grows to full size.)

Billy-Now they better think before messing with me!

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