Episode 4: Pirates Island

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(Start on Pirates Island. It is nighttime. BILLY and ERNIE are walking on a large circular platform.)

Billy-Hey, what gives? I thought the elder brought back the daytime!

Ernie-Well, Menie-Funie will probably explain in three, two, one...

(A golden light shines down upon him. MENIE-FUNIE's voice comes from the heavens.)

Menie-You must listen to me, Billy.


Menie-The Crows turned Chicken Elder Uri-Uri into a golden egg, too, using some strange power. Uri-Uri is the elder of Pirates Island. He is the one who calls the morning to this island! Find the golden egg, and free the elder! You must bring morning back to Pirates Island!

(The glow goes away.)

Ernie-So we haven't brought morning back everywhere.

Billy-Yeah, I got that.

Ernie-Don't talk back to me.

(He points to the blue streaked egg up ahead.)

Ernie-Just go and grab that egg, will ya?

(BILLY nods and grabs the egg. He breaks through a fence and begins rolling down a ramp. ERNIE flies after him.)

Ernie-Hold on for dear life!

(The egg rolls over three bananas, then the last in a row of three cherries. It grows a little.)

Ernie-You might want to do a better job of aiming for the fruit.

Billy-I wish I could have more control over that.


Billy-I can't! I'm holding this egg!

Ernie-Not that kind of jump. There's a gap in the ramp!

(The egg flies over the gap and lands at the outermost edge.)

Ernie-Wow, you actually made it.

Billy-Yeah. I was beginning to think we'd go right over the edge.

(He rolls over a row of strawberries.)

Ernie-Who's this "we" you begin talking about? I can fly. I'm in no danger of falling into the water.

(The egg rolls over a row of pineapples. It grows halfway.)



(The egg flies over another gap. It grows even more.)

Billy-What was that?

Ernie-I guess you absorbed so much fruit in so little time that the growth was a bit delayed.

Billy-Is that good or bad?

Ernie-Considering that the egg's bigger than it was before, I'd say good.

(BILLY rolls over a row of strawberries, then a row of bananas. The egg grows to full size as it rolls over a third gap.)


(He rolls the rest of the way down the ramp into a blue ring that launches him to shore. He dismounts, looking woozy. ERNIE lands next to him.)

Billy-I think I'm gonna be sick.

Ernie-Then go be sick somewhere else!

(BILLY stumbles offscreen. Timecard: "Three Minutes Later." BILLY is now back where he was next to ERNIE.)

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