Episode 7: Dino Mountain

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(Start on Pirates Island. BILLY, ROLLY, and ERNIE are sitting together. BILLY is busy chowing down on an apple.)

Rolly-Billy, are you done yet? You've been at this for half an hour.

Billy-Nope. Remember that I skipped breakfast to meet up with you guys. A boy's gotta eat, you know.

Rolly-I know, but it seems a little excessive to eat this much fruit. Besides, we're wasting time. Isn't there a Dino Mountain we should be getting to?

Ernie-Let him eat. He'll wear himself out eventually.

Rolly-Fine. He can have a snack.


(He finishes the apple and reaches for a banana.)

Rolly-A snack for the road, that is!

(She picks BILLY up and carries him off as he rushes to peel his banana.)

Billy-Wait! Where are you taking me?

Rolly-To Dino Mountain. We have a world to save, and we can't just be sitting around!

(ERNIE sighs and rolls his eyes. Opening theme. Cut to Dino Mountain. It is nighttime. BILLY and ROLLY are standing together on a circular stone platform.)

Billy-Did you have to do that?


Billy-When's Ernie gonna get here?

Rolly-Dude, I think we left him in our dust.


Rolly-But if he wants to, he'll catch up eventually.

(Just then, a heavenly light shines down on them.)

Menie-Billy, it's an emergency! The Elder of Dino Mountain, Ura-Ura, has been kidnapped and turned into a golden egg! You must find Ura-Ura as quickly as possible, free him, and have him call the morning to Dino Mountain!

(The light disappears.)

Rolly-So this is Dino Mountain. I don't know why I expected there to be more dinosaurs.

Billy-Who cares? Let's go!

(He grabs a red streaked egg and dashes down the bridge ahead of them.)

Rolly-Hey! Leaving other people in the dust is my thing!

(She chases after him. At the end of the bridge are four cherries. BILLY picks them up. The egg grows.)


Rolly-Billy, calm down. It's just an egg.

(BILLY breaks some fences and rolls down a ramp. At the bottom are two blue rings, but neither of them notice them.)

Rolly-Watch out! You're gonna—

(BILLY rolls into a blue ring that launches him onto the ground below.)

Rolly-Oh. I thought I'd be able to see that with all the glowing hot lava illuminating everything.

(Meanwhile on the ground, BILLY gets on his feet and charges forward.)

Billy-Golden egg golden egg golden egg golden egg golden egg—

(He sees the golden egg in a cage on a ledge.)

Billy-There it is!

(ROLLY catches up to him.)

Rolly-What's so special about a golden egg? Besides the golden part, that is.

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