Episode 12: After the Blizzard

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(Start where the last episode left off.)


(He jumps over another gap.)

Rolly-You know those don't hatch into anything, right?

Billy-Who cares?

(He jumps over another gap and rolls to the right.)

Billy-Is Chick still with us?

(Shot of CHICK rolling behind them.)

Chick-I can't exactly talk if I'm being smushed to the ground every other second!

Billy-Oh, hey, Chick!

(He jumps over another gap before the ramp curves to the left. He rolls into a blue ring that carries him through an ice wall. It shatters around him as he lands near the base of the castle.)

Billy-Finally, I can catch a break.

(ROLLY and CHICK land next to him.)

Chick-Not yet.

(He points to the basic Crows right in front of them.)

Billy-We each take two?

Rolly-Uh, Billy, I'm doing the math, and I'm pretty sure there are more than six.

Chick-Whatever. Let's just charge 'em.

(He takes the crows on the left. ROLLY takes the right, and BILLY steps forward before realizing ROLLY defeated them all.)


(They turn right and run along the base of the castle. They are blocked by a spiky fence.)

Billy-Remember, Rolly. We're supposed to bounce over the fences.

Rolly-You're still holding that against me?

Billy-I could hardly breathe with all the eggs you were breaking. Now, bounce.

(ROLLY sighs and bounces over first. Opening theme. She finds BANTAM and MATTIE waiting for them with a green-handprinted egg.)

Rolly-Bantam? How did you get over here?

Bantam-Mattie knew a shortcut.

(BILLY bounces over the fence, followed by CHICK.)

Billy-Well, we're all together. Let's—

(Four cat Crows appear around them.)

Billy-Deal with these first.

(He knocks out one. BANTAM gets the other three.)

Rolly-We get it. You're strong.

Bantam-We get it. You're fast.

(They roll up the ramp to the left. They jump onto a ledge.)

Billy-Where could these snow machines possibly be?

(CHICK puts on his goggles.)

Chick-I can confirm that they're in the castle.

Mattie- My question is how we're going to stop them.

Chick-Well, hopefully, the answer is wherever this thing takes us.

(He jumps into a green ring. It bounces him into another green ring and then onto a pillar with a switch. The others catch up to him.)

Billy-Hey, what's this do?

Rolly-Try it out if you're so curious.

Billy-Okay, I will.

(He bounces on the switch. A gate on the castle opens.)

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