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Akiaria - Two months ago; The Past
I was taking a walk in the vast woods, minding my own business, when suddenly the winds were swaying the trees more heavily than it used to before. The hood I was wearing fell off and just rested on my back when the winds hit it. I looked up, curious to what had made a sudden gush of wind.

I couldn't believe what I saw.. A blue lion's tail fading into white with black stripes and a black tip, a blue eagle's head, darker blue front claws and blue feathered wings fading into white, an eagle's beak and green eyes, a light blue lion's torso and blue back legs. 'Could it be? After all these years of searching... A griffin finally appearing?' I had thought, gazing up at the blue, white and black colored griffin in awe and amazement with my azure eyes.

It landed, and stared at me in curiosity. And, only then, did I realize I was staring at the majestical creature. I quickly shook my head and stepped one step backwards, apologizing profusely, repeatedly to the medium-sized griffin. It only seemed to tilt its head, and stepping forwards a few times before it finally got very close to my small body and gazing down at me. I only stood still, I didn't have much information on griffins, and especially how to handle them. It gave a light screech to me, and I gasped and stepped backwards a bit, terrified. 'No, no, no! What is it going to do with me?! Why is it getting so close?!' were, like, the current thoughts in my head.. Actually, I was thinking those exact thoughts.

'Wait.. What gender even is this griffin? I can't keep on calling it an it! Uh, maybe female?'

I took a deep breath, and confidently - not really that confident, you know what I mean - walked forward one step, towards the griffin. I meekly asked it, "Are you a female?" and it responded with a gentle nod and a tiny, light screech - I probably was hallucinating - it kind of.. Sounded like it was saying yes. "Huh, I guess you are a female." I muttered under my breath, took a step backward, and looked at it- HER. SHE IS A FEMALE. Her left back leg seemed to have a tiny red blood puddle spread all over it.

I stepped a few steps forward, heading towards her back legs, but she shook her head, maybe she was saying no? But I just calmly, meekly said, "I just want to fix your leg.. Alright? Uh, just give me a few minutes." I looked down to check if I still had my pouch- it was still there, luckily wasn't blown away by this griffin's landing. She reminded me of a Night Fury's speed and agility. I grabbed out a few bandages from it, atleast like two to three bandages. I grabbed a spare cloth, that I always carried around in my pouch, and dabbed it on the blood a few times. "There we go, the blood's gone, now, I'm going to put on these bandages, and you'll be good to go now, okay?" I said, I kind of think it was a question though.. And then I put on those bandages on her leg - I did it lightly to avoid causing pain of any sort - and then I grabbed a nearby vine and wrapped it around both the leg, and the bandages on her leg. "There, now, how does it feel?" I asked the blue griffin as I took a few steps backwards, moving back around to the front of the griffin.

She screeched at me and looked at my work on her leg, she moved her head back around to the front, facing me. I mentally gulped, afraid of her answer.

But, surprisingly, she only gave a gentle nod of approval, and I smiled brightly at her. "I'm glad it helped." I mumbled, but then I suddenly thought of something, 'I wonder if she has a name? Maybe I can ask her?' and so, I did. "Hey, uh.. Do you have a name? I can't keep calling you 'Griffin', 'She', 'Her' or 'Female Griffin'." She nodded slightly and then I smiled.

"What is your name, anyway?" I had ended up asking her, since she said she had a name, and I didn't know it. I could feel a heavy pull at my mind. It kept happening for a few minutes, but then I heard a gentle, female voice, not coming from my brain, but it sounded like it was coming from the griffin herself, "The name's Hydron, what about you, young lady?"

Amazed, I slowly replied, "My n-name i-is.. A-Akiaria.." I mumbled, fiddling with my hands, "..N-nice to m-meet you."

"That is a splendrous name! Akiaria, how would you think of, well, us being best friends?" I heard the voice from her.. Again.. Hhm... Hydron is her name, and she told me that my name is splendrous, and she offered friendship.. I can't deny this! "Well.. I.. I think it'd be, well.. Wonderful."

"Then we are now best friends!" She cheerfully replied, and I chuckled lightly.


How To Befriend Your Griffin - A HTTYD FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now