i | renewal of the same destiny (pt. 2 / 3)

Start from the beginning

"You are right. And you are?" She asks, eyebrows furrowed yet she bears him a smile, making the princess look like she's constipated

Oh well.

"I'll be answering that later on, besides, this isn't going to be the last time we meet anyways" The person shrugs, and that made Y/N rather bewildered by his statement

"Then, I shall look forward to seeing you later?" Her planned sentence acted more as a question as she was unsure if he was joking or not

"I'd be anticipating" He nods, giving her a bright smile

"Right. I should get going now, it was nice to have this conversation with you, your highness" With a farewell, the lad bows, and exits the scene later on

"He's weird..." She mumbles to herself, resuming her steps

As Y/N walks along the beautiful scenic route, she met a couple villagers along the way, some with their children, their spouses, and even animals. Seeing them all, just smiling and doing what they love, brought utmost joy to the princess.

She couldn't wait to lead them one day, and making this small kingdom the happiest and brightest of them all. A wide smile emits as Y/N continues to think about it:

"Princess, I think it's time we get back" One of the knights suggested, which stopped her in her tracks, looking nowhere

Princess Y/N looks down, thinking, and turning around later on to nod, giving them a light smile:

"Sure. Let's go" Was her reply

~A Few Hours Later~

Your POV

"I'll pick the Y/F/C one" I said, looking at the layers of ballgowns organized by their color

(Y/F/C - Your Favorite Color)

"As you wish, your highness" A maid says as three others step forward to take the gowns back, except for what I chose to wear

I sighed, standing straight and tall as my arms spread sideward, a dressmaker walking around me with a measuring tape on hand. She eventually stretches it out while trying to find certain lengths and widths of certain body parts for whatever reason.

There were two more people close to me, one who was applying beauty products on my feature, and one fixing my hair. Today is just hectic, and as much as I am just as curious to find out, they wouldn't utter a word because 'My parents said so'.

What kind of explanation was that? And why would my mother and father hide such things from me? I can't just go out there for who knows what, if I will show myself I should at least know.

I sighed, clearing my thoughts away as I didn't want to stress over such things. Don't go ahead of yourself too much, Y/N, I'm sure everything is happening for a reason:

"Ouch! Please be careful" Whimpering, I say as the hairdresser mumbled an apology and continues to do her job

"There, done! Well, aren't you just lovely?" The elderly lady doing my face says, smiling with pride and adoration

She takes a mirror from my dresser and gives it to me, so I was able to see how I looked. And my, it was true, I do look lovely. Smiling, I thanked her and gave the mirror back, to which she nods and returns the mirror back to where it originally belongs.

Lee Minhyung ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now