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this is the shortest chapter and i am so sorry

Spencer yawns as he walks into the BAU, a little later than usual

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Spencer yawns as he walks into the BAU, a little later than usual. Y/n had woken up before him—she wanted to get coffee before work, and had decided to leave before Spencer, even though he told her he had no problem running by Dunkin on the way to work. Despite his comments, she assured him she just needed a little bit of time by herself.

So, he watched her leave his apartment before beginning to get ready himself. He had put on a pair of gray slacks and a black striped sweater vest, some sort of patterned shirt underneath tucked into his pants. He had made sure to brush his teeth and his hair before fixing himself a cup of coffee in a to go cup and heading out to the metro.

Mornings were weird without Y/n with him. He was used to them leaving together and riding in his car together, stopping to get her coffee, and even walking into the BAU together. But she needed time to herself, and Spencer understood that.

What had happened a few days ago wasn't a date so to speak, but it sure felt like one. She had fallen asleep on Spencer's shoulder and he had to be extra careful when the movie ended so he wouldn't wake her as he was adjusting his position so he could go to sleep. Ever since that night, they had spent each night cuddled up next to each other in bed, Sulley laying at their feet. That was another thing that was comforting for Spencer—knowing he would get to be with her at the end of the day.

He pushes the glass doors of the BAU open, clutching his coffee cup as he began walking to his desk. Y/n is already at hers—Dunkin coffee resting beside her computer. She had thrown on a lavender sweater and some black pants before leaving his apartment, her hair in a ponytail, two pieces framing her face, same as always. Beautiful, as always. She looks up at him as he approaches, giving him a small smile.

"I see you got your coffee," he says, setting his own cup down on his desk. He takes off his bag, letting it plop onto the floor before he sits down, tapping his fingers against the edge of his desk.

She nods, laughing softly. "Yeah, sorry for not letting you come along. I just needed a few moments to myself."

Spencer nods quickly, trying to assure her that she didn't do anything wrong. "No, it's fine! You don't need to apologize. I get it. Sometimes being alone is...nice."

"Well, thanks," she says, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Of course."

Her smile widens for a moment before she averts her gaze, her eyes settling on the tablet in front of her. Spencer gazes at her a moment longer before looking at the paper file on his desk. It was a paperwork day, and he was glad. He needed a day with no serial killers or kidnappers. Paperwork always tended to get his mind off of things as well, something he was grateful for.

He opens the file, grabbing a black ballpoint pen before beginning to complete it. The team—save Tara and Luke—make fun of him for still using paper files. Technology is apparently the new wave, but Spencer still doesn't understand why. Nothing can top the way an old book smells, or the way a pen glides against paper. He enjoys the little scratchy noise it makes as he scribbles—it's one of his favorite sounds in the entire world. Technology takes the authenticity out of everything, and he'd be damned if he let handwritten notes or books or files fade away.

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