Spencer's trying really hard to keep his feelings buried down. Because he knows he starting to have feelings for her—but he can't show them. Not right now. Not when she's so vulnerable, still healing from the last guy who hurt her. His feelings are irrelevant. They don't matter right now. What matters is her being able to heal.

And he can't give her any more pressure than she already has.

The team ended up finding the unsub later that day. Jason White. He had just taken another kid, and thankfully, the kid was safe and back with his parents. Now, the team is on the jet, heading back to Quantico.

Spencer sits next to Y/n, the rest of the team chatting. The morale is up after finding the unsub, the child unharmed. He gazes at Y/n, a soft smile on his face. She had fallen asleep on Spencer's chest and Spencer had let her sleep for as long as possible. And gradually, throughout the day, he had seen her mood increase.

"So, anyone wanna get a drink tonight?"

Y/n turns her head at Prentiss' question, and Spencer looks over at Prentiss before looking back at Y/n. Her lips turn up slightly at the corners, and she's actually the first one to speak up.

"I'll go," she says, her voice soft.

Luke raises his eyebrows, the rest of the team looking almost as shocked as him. After a moment, he grins, giving Y/n a thumbs up.

"I'm in."

The rest of the team pipes up, everyone agreeing to go, even Spencer. Spencer turns back to Y/n, lowering his voice slightly.

"Are you sure you wanna go?" He asks. He's not trying to stop her from going—he just wants to make sure she actually wants to go.

Her lips turn up at the corners, nodding slightly. "This is...the first decision I've been able to make for myself in a long time. And I want to go."

His smile widens, and he nods. "Okay, then. I won't drink, I can drive."

"Spencer, you don't have to—"

"No, it's fine," he assures her. "Have fun. Drink. Bond with the team."

Her smile grows and she nods. "Thank you."

He smiles, leaning his head back against the seat. The flight from LA to Quantico is rather long, but the time seems to pass quickly. The team talks to one another, and Y/n and Luke dive into a conversation for most of the way back. When the jet touches back down in Quantico, the team files out, Spencer and Y/n heading to Spencer's car.

Once settled in the car, Spencer begins the drive to the bar. Y/n sits with her fingers in her lap, fiddling with them before she speaks.

"I'm excited." Her voice is eager. "I haven't had a night out like this since...well, since the first time Owen hit me."

Spencer's eyes shift from the road to Y/n for a second before flicking back. "It's gonna be fun. You get to see Luke and Garcia flirt and I bet one of them will even dance on a table for you. Also, Prentiss will flirt with you. She flirts with every pretty woman when she's drunk."

His face flushes almost immediately after he says the sentence. He'd let it slip—the pretty comment. He clears his throat, and he can swear Y/n is trying to hide a small smile. His face feels hot, focusing on the road in front of him, his hands gripping the steering wheel. They don't really speak the rest of the way to the bar, but it's a comfortable silence between the two of them.

Spencer parks outside of the bar, and he takes the keys out of the ignition and opens the door, hearing Y/n opening and closing her door as she gets out. He locks the car before shoving the keys in his pocket, the two of them walking into the crowded space. It's warm, and Spencer spots the rest of the team in the corner.

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