Louis was the pillar on which their entire lives were built upon and how he shouldered it all so effortlessly and still manages to look after himself was a mystery to DJ. He was only a boy himself, just barely a few years older than Dylon and yet he was so matured, so put together and so loved by him, his father, and Mika. 

"You should never have left us. Didn't you ever think for a second that we would need you? You were so engrossed in your love for our father that you didn't consider us, not a single glimpse our way you chased our father even unto death."

Such love.

Such devotion.

DJ would constantly weep bitterly whenever he remembered his beloved brother. 

The one who showed him his light at the end of the tunnel and always helped him walked on his rainbow clouds until he grabbed his pot of gold.

"I miss you, brother." 

If he had a little courage or even a bit of knowledge on how to deal as much as Louis did, he certainly would have tried to help his father and perhaps stopped the inevitable. 

It was all a losing game now.

They both have been dead for years and he has a troubled son to help, he must try all he could to help his son out of whatever it was that troubled him so.

He would try the best he could and never give up, just as Louis never gave up on him.


Dylon stood at the school entrance doors and just stared at the place as if it was an unfamiliar environment, one he hadn't been to before. 

Why doesn't any of this make sense?

He had to deal with his father and mother constantly scolding him and his sister reminding him how big of an asshole he was, trying to get himself killed while leaving her all alone.

They were twins for fucks sake and if he should foolishly kill himself his sister would suffer greatly. 

He was indeed a selfish bastard.

He hadn't intended it to be so grievous but having four forks stabbed into one's thighs doesn't seem like icing on the cakes either. 

Keller had been blowing up his phone as he was running late to school that morning and he didn't want to pick up knowing the jerk has nothing of importance to say to him. 


His sister had left him behind since she was still very much angry at him. He would buy her a gift and plea for her honest forgiveness even though he doesn't deserve it. He also needs to beg his parents for their forgiveness and give his word never to do such a stupid thing again.

But, his sister's was what bothered him the most since he hates it when she was not happy with him.

Once he had gathered enough courage he stepped into the classroom and it was torture making it through first period and Mrs. Balling, has just finished scolding him for his lateness when the door was flung open and in walked Mr. Jonathan the principal, and another boy who obviously seems new to the school. 

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