20. Dealing with Devils

Start from the beginning

"Really?" The smaller man scoffs, throwing a glare at the other. "And yours? Do your parents and Han Jisoo not mean anything at all? Don't they deserve to have their son safe after losing him once already?"

Dae Ho swallows on his spit, turning away from the blazing accusatory eyes. He has no rebut that would justify his actions. "...Minji was my family too," he whispers, fisting his hands where they lay on the seat.

"I'm in no way denying that. She was family and probably more important than your biological one but she wouldn't want this." Shadow's voice is softer and understanding, escorted with a hint of sympathy. "And ask yourself, are you really doing this for her sake or is there something else?"

Is there?

A few other factors do drive Dae Ho in his quest to avenge his sister. His tattered mind, broken promises, and feelings of impending helplessness. He's out for Vee's blood to save himself from going insane, the drive of the particular goal keeping him focused and alive for the time being. He doesn't mind if the hunger for Vee's blood will kill him, at least he'll die doing something out of his own will rather than being stripped of life like Minji faced. And death stopped scaring him when he slit the throat of his first victim.

"Let's go," Shadow nudges the fighter, his fingers reaching for the door handle and pulling it open. The two put on the masks Yoon had given them, exiting the car and walking into the building.

Dae Ho holds out the black card between his gloved index and middle finger, waiting for the bodyguard to scan it.

"Your names for tonight?" The dark-skinned man asks.

"Bullet and Shadow." Dae Ho replies adjusting his mask.

"You'll sit at table 36."

They enter the banquet hall, slow jazz music and clicking of heels dominating the place. The vaulted ceiling is embellished with scalloped edging and glittering plaster medallions, and thick velvet drapes over the large windows standing on the right side of the room.

It's been years since Dae Ho has attended a high-end occasion. His stomach quivers, hair lifting on the back of his neck, the familiar overwhelming feeling he experienced when he first attended the charity ball with Haneul, the one Kim Yoona had invited him to.

The duo maneuvers towards table thirty-six, peering in the dim light. "Do you see Pandora?" Shadow asks pulling out a chair. The table has fresh lilies placed in a transparent vase, an iPad lying in front of it.


"This place is already giving me the creeps. Everyone looks stiff." The older side glances at the guests seated quietly at their respective tables.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?" A voice booms from the speakers, the curtain covering the stage lifting. A man in a wine-colored tuxedo, holding a mic, waves his hand. "I'll be your host for today's auction. The bidding will be done through the screens placed on your tables. You'll type in your amount in the bar that is going to appear for every bid. But remember, there's only one chance," the man instructs, "once you enter your bid, there's no going back. The amount each table bids will appear on the screen behind me right after." He points at the large LED screen. "As for the individual requests, one of our men will assist you inside when it's your turn, but till then you can enjoy bidding on pieces of information that have been wanted by many others." He walks around the stage, snapping his fingers, the lights in the hall dimming and upbeat music echoing throughout. "Now, let's begin!"

"Would you like to have a drink, kind sirs?" A waiter asks Bullet and Shadow, a tray in his hand.

"Water will do." Dae Ho answers turning to him.

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