Chapter Fifteen

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After lunch, Chris, Nash, and I go to an amusement park not to far from the melting pot. Chris and I are laughing and smiling the whole way there. He hide hugs me and kisses my forehead a few times. His firm grasp makes me feel safe. Nash keeps eye balling us, but I pay no attention to him. I won't speak to him, and Chris is oblivious to him.
We get to the park, and Chris buys my wrist band. He attaches it firmly and we head to the largest roller coaster there. Chris straps me in and hops into the seat next to me. Nash decides to sit out on this one.
"You ok babe?" Chris asks.
"Yeah just nervous." I say.
"You have nothing to worry about, I'm here."
He makes me smile, my feeling for this kid is making my stomach have butterflies. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm about to go in circles. The ride starts and we go up and up and up, until we drop at rapid speed. I start screaming and Chris grabs my hand. When the rides over I get off in hysterical laughter.
"God that was so much fun!" I laugh.
"Let's go on the zipper." Nash suggests.
"Yeah let's do it." Chris says.
We head over and sit in line. Only two at a time so it looks like Nash lucks out again.
"Excuse me." A woman with a child comes over.
"Yeah." Chris answers so friendly.
"Will one of you ride with my son? Please." She requests.
"Of course." Chris smiles.
The boy hops in line with us. He's small and adorable. Luckily he's tall enough to ride the ride.
"Who do you want to ride with?" Chris asks.
"You." The boy replies as he points at Chris.
I look at Chris. He's smiling, and my heart stops. That means I'm going to have to ride with Nash.
"Is that ok?" Chris asks.
"Yeah." No. What the hell am I saying?
Chris gets on with the kid. The next cart is mine and Nash's. We get in, I don't want to talk to him.
"Hey Hailey."
I don't answer.
"I just wanted to apologize."
"You'll find out." He says.
What the hell does he mean? I try not to worry about it. We get off and meet Chris and the kid outside the gate.
"Hey Chris, is that your girlfriend?" The boy says.
"Yeah why?"
"She's really pretty." The boy smiles as he walks away with mom.
"Haha she is."
I smile and kiss Chris.
"Oh yeah Chris I've been meaning to tell you something." Nash says.
"Yeah what's up?"
"Do you remember that kid back at the melting pot."
"Yeah Nathan right."
"Yeah, well maybe Hailey can tell you."
What the fuck is he doing! I feel like ripping his face off.
"Hailey what?" Chris asks.
immediately tears pool in my eyes. I step back and take a deep breath.
"Ok Chris. So I made a big mistake."
"What?" Chris frowns.
"Ok so the night we got in the fight, I was upset and needed comforting, and Nathan was there, and things escalated, and I kissed him."
Chris looks furious. Nash looks happy.
"Chris I'm sorry, I was totally out of It."
Chris rubs his face and runs his hand through his hair. He turns around and bounces back and forth. He turns around a right hooks Nash. I stand there in disbelief. I'm stunned. Nash stand.
"What the fuck dude!" Nash screams.
"Fuck you! You planned this."
"No I'm your friend."
"If you were my friend you would have told me at the restaurant when you found out."
"I told you! She didn't!"
"Did you also slip x in her drink?"
"So fucking what man! I was having fun!"
"Fuck you man!"
Nash tackles Chris and starts to attack his face. Chris pushes him off and beats on him. Security shows up and pulls them apart. They take Nash in one direction, and Chris in the other. I follow Chris.
"Hailey meet me at the dorm."
"No Chris just let me come with you."
"No! Hailey why can't you just fucking listen!"
I stop short. He's pissed. I watch as they drag him off into one of the security stations. I do as I'm told and head back to the dorm. I sit there and wait. Wait to face the wrath of Chris when he returns.

The Other Side of Christian CollinsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin