"Care, sorry. You do look great." Bonnie told her friend with more sorrow in her voice. Caroline turned to face her friend and smiled.

"Let's go to a bar." Caroline said happily. Bonnie smiled and linked her arm to Caroline's and smiled. They walked together happily as they went out.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A waitress with straight dark brown hair asked. The girls asked. The waitress looked very similar to a certain doppelgänger.

"Table for two please." Caroline asked in her most cheerful voice. The waitress smiled.

"Okay, that will probably be a 30 minute wait." Bonnie and Caroline looked at each other. Caroline smiled.

"Bonnie. Perfect opportunity. Grab her shoulders gently and look into her eyes. Now be very clear when you speak. Now compel!" Caroline told her. Bonnie looked at her peppy friend and then to the very confused waitress.

Bonnie carefully placed her hands on the girl and stared into her brown eyes. "You are going to give us that table over there." Bonnie pointed to a table next to a window streamed with lights. "Also everything we ask for tonight is free." Bonnie told the waitress who nodded. Caroline smiled with pride. She felt like a mother watching her child graduate.

"Oh, it seems this table is available." The waitress walked the girls over to the table Bonnie had previously pointed at. "And don't worry about your bill it's on the house." The girls smiled at the waitress.

"Yes Bonnie!" Caroline screamed in excitement. "Hey over hear, we need some shots!" Caroline shouted at the bartenders. They gave her a concerned look before being over some drinks.

"Caroline, this is a lot." Bonnie noted as she stared down at the table filled with shot glass. Caroline laughed at her friend who was still new to being a vampire.

"Oh come on Bonnie. We need to get drunk tonight. Vampires need to drink more than a normal person remember?" Caroline told her friend.

"Yeah, but I'm not a vam-" She began, but quickly stopped. Bonnie suddenly remembered she was now a vampire. "Never mind." Bonnie paused watching Caroline suddenly grow concerned. "Let's drink!" She screamed.

"We are so drunk." Caroline stated as she stared at all of the empty glasses in front of her. Bonnie nodded and then took her final sip.

"Is it bad I kind of want more?" Bonnie asked Caroline with a goofy grin on her face. Caroline shook her head. "Oh bartender!" Bonnie screamed. "Caroline?" Bonnie asked.


"Never let me drink again." Bonnie said through a laugh. Caroline quickly joined in. They couldn't stop giggling at how drunk the other was.

"Never again." She promised. "After our full trip around the world." Caroline snuck in quickly. Bonnie glared at her friend before rolling her eyes.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Bonnie shouted.

"Okay!" Caroline replied. "Be careful, dot hit your head on a dunk or something that people do on TV!" Caroline screamed back in reply to her friend. She ignored all the stares and took out her phone. 6 missed calls from Klaus, 3 from Elena, 1 from Damon and 0 from Stefan. Caroline formed. She called his phone only to hear his voicemail again.

"How could he just leave me!" Caroline screamed at herself. "We were supposed to be friends. Best friends." She cried. Suddenly Caroline froze. 1 voicemail from Tyler Lockwood. Her heart stopped.

"Hey Care, I love you. I just wanted to let you know that tonight I'm probably going to die and I will most likely let it happen. I can't let you die and neither will Klaus and Bonnie. If I died and you're listening to this that means that you lived. I'm so sorry I had to bite you. Rebekah is crazy and wanted some stupid revenge on Klaus. You know I would never hurt you. And I'm so sorry about cheating on you. It was stupid and totally my fault. You deserve someone who only cares about you. You deserve ugh, Klaus Mikaelson. I just wanted you to know that you shouldn't be mad at Bonnie or Klaus. They did what I would have done. Kill to save you. I love you so much. I know I was the love of your life and I want you to know that you are the love of my life. I love you so much Caroline. So please live a great life. Goodbye."

Caroline shut off her phone and shut her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I love you too." She whispered. Caroline went outside to catch her breath. She then called him.

"Hello Love." Caroline heard his voice through the phone. She breathed heavily from the other side of the phone. "Caroline?" He asked.

"I'm in Paris right now." She blurted out. There was a long pause for a moment. "The most romantic city in the world. That's a nice joke. No romance here just me crying to a voicemail!" She shouted.

"Caroline are you drunk?" Klaus asked a bit concerned. She laughed.

"Of course I'm drunk. I came to Paris with my best friend because everyone I love is gone and everyone who loves me is a reminder of that." She cried.

"Caroline calm down." Klaus told her from his side of the phone.

"You know Tyler left me a voicemail. Yeah, a really sweet one telling me he loved me and that I shouldn't be mad at you because he died out of his love for me and not because of you. Did you know that?" She asked him.

"I did not." Klaus told her. Caroline ignored the loud sounds coming from his end of the phone.

"I feel awful. His last acts of life were his love for me. How is that supposed to make me feel when I love somebody else!" She shouted. Suddenly Caroline stopped as she realized what she has said. She could only imagine the smile on Klaus' face.

"Oh really?" He asked innocently.

"He died for me and here I am in Paris, hiding from you. Hiding from you so I don't have to think about how Tyler is gone because now there is no one to stop us from kissing. There is no one to stop us from being together. Except that I can't. Because if I do then I am just as bad as you! I can't be just as bad as you, I'd be worse. Who cares if Tyler cheated on me? I don't, I still love him and now he's gone and it's all my fault and I love him. I love him so much, but I also love you." She said. Caroline stopped talking for a while as she waited for a response that never came. Caroline felt stupid waiting for Klaus to tell her he loved her. She decided to just hang up.

As Caroline walked into the bar she frowned. Bonnie still wasn't out of the bathroom. She decided to check on her. "Oh my god, Bonnie!" Caroline screamed.

"Niklaus, where are you?" Elijah asked over the phone. Klaus smirked.

"Well I am currently waiting in an airport to get on a plane to Paris." He said calmly. Elijah sighed.

"Niklaus, we don't have time for your games. You are needed here." Elijah told his brother with a bit of frustration. Klaus rolled his eyes.

"I am sure you and Rebekah will do just fine." He commented.

"Niklaus, you ar-"

"She said she loves me, Elijah. Caroline said she lives me, I need to go to her." Klaus said with a grin on his face.

"Very well, just be home soon." Elijah said before hanging up. Klaus smiled to himself. Caroline said she loved him. His Caroline . The girl of his dreams. The girl he had wanted for years is finally his. She's his and he said nothing. She must hate him again, he thought. He decided to call her again.

"Hello?" He heard a voice that did not belong to Caroline.

"Who is this?" Klaus asked angrily. He heard heavy breaths coming from the other end. "I asked a question!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry, I found this phone lying on the floor. There was an accident. A huge spree of murders. 11 people dead. I hope your girl or whatever wasn't one of them." The caller said. Klaus quickly hung up the phone and screamed.

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