Chapter 1- Moving In

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*Content warning:  The following contains material that may be harmful or traumatising to some audiences.*

*lawnmower noises* Finally I moved into my own place: it isn't the greatest place in the world, but it's the only place that is close to my old home. And, the only place that I can afford for now, considering how broke I am. My feet paused as I spotted a piece of metal that was so sharp that if it hit me it could chop my neck. I imagined my arteries bursting out of my neck and hitting the ceiling. What a dramatic death would that be I thought to myself, slightly amused and at the same time I thought what the hell?

I heard footsteps coming from beside me. Swiftly I glanced at who it was. It was a tall man in uniform, carrying a gun - damn he could shoot me right here I thought. I sighed in relief that it was only the security guard. I started walking again until he called me with an oily voice, "I'm really sorry kid, we don't have a lot of people who work here so-" I turned around to face him and have a proper look at him. Instantly, I could feel something was off about this guy. He had greased black hair, a hunched back and piercing black eyes squinting with a slight smile. He seemed to be the type of person who would feel an inner surge of pleasure when others hurt. The type of person who would cause trouble and pretend to be everyone's hero. A manipulator. In two words, he seemed plain creepy.

"Anyway, everyone here treats the security guards like shit...", pause. What the hell is he on about? We stared at each other for a good few seconds and the more I studied him the uglier he got, "by the way, I never saw you here, what brought you to this place?", he said breaking the dead silence.

I looked down at my feet "I... I moved here" I spoke under my breath.

"What!? I can't hear you kid speak up" he yelled at me; I was slightly annoyed, but I decided to hold myself back.

"I said... I moved here". This time I stared back into his eyes...

"Oh! I heard someone was moving into apartment No. 1410 today, I guess that was you" as he said that I looked back down at my feet and gave him a little nod "hm, so do you live alone kid?" he asked... Yes, I was alone, and I had nobody to go to even if I wanted to. "I'm... I'm alone" I mumbled under my breath. It seemed as if he was going to hit me, but he wasn't the only one annoyed here.

"What? Kid I can't hear you..." My face heated up: why won't he mind his own fucking business so I could get into my apartment!

"I. Am. Alone" I was so irritated I didn't bother hiding it. It will be over soon Hyun-Soo...

Awkward silence again, I was about to happily take my leave until he decided to start speaking AGAIN! When will he ever shut up?

"You look quite young to be moving out of your parents' house, but I guess everyone has their own reasons... when is your stuff coming in?"

Why are you so nosy, just leave me alone dude...

"Later... in the afternoon..." I silently kicked the floor.

"Alrighty then, I'll let you go but could you stop by my office in the evening, there's a few things you need to know about living in this place"

I wanted to hit him right there and then run away but I didn't want to risk risking getting arrested on my first day here.


I gushed away not looking back. I don't know what his deal was.

*Note: Me And My Editor Would Love To Read Your Thoughts On The Book So Go Ahead And Put Your Thoughts And Ideas For Future Chapters In The Comments*

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