Introduction Page

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Ashton Summers

Name: Ashton Summers

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Name: Ashton Summers

Nickname: Ash

Height: 5’4

Personality: Shy and humble. He is only comfortable with the people close to him and he can do anything for them. He is usually silent and does not initiate conversations. He is very close to his brother, Aiden, and lives like his shadow.

Features: Chocolate brown eyes with untidy black hair. Small and thin with little muscle power.

Hobbies: Books, books and books

Likes: Spending time with family and painting

Dislikes: Dark chocolate, dirty surroundings

Fears: Afraid of Rejection and disappointing people.

Xander Faust

Name: Xander Faust

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Name: Xander Faust

Height: 6’3

Personality: Your typical bad boy. Secretly gay. Loves loud parties and lots of alcohol. He prefers being alone all the time and hates it when people meddle into his life. He is quite smart in academics and is an overall sports-person.

Features: Well-built with sculpted abs, sky-blue eyes and long blonde hair

Hobbies: Playing the piano (it's Kinda a secret though)

Likes: Relaxing alone, the thrill of a chase, drinking champagne

Dislikes: Most people, hot weathers, following rules and bitter food.

Fears: Afraid of water bodies as he cannot swim  

Aiden Summers

Name - Aiden Summers

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Name - Aiden Summers

Height - 6'4

Personality - Your typical preppy jock. He's popular , well known and somewhat of a bully. He's the captain and quarterback of the football team. Parties around a lot and doesn't care about school work. Really only nice to his friends.

Features - Dark jet black hair , has heterochromia ; his right eye is blue and left eye is green, Well built.

Hobbies - Football and Working out.

Likes - Girls , alcohol , parties and food.

Dislikes - Clingy people, Rules and being told what to do.

Fears - Being hated and abandoned.

The Nelson Twins

Names - Tyler and Taylor

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Names - Tyler and Taylor

Height - Tyler is 6'1 and Taylor is 6'0.

Personality - They're pretty fun , goofy and chill. Really easy to talk to and hangout with. Not the best at studies but LOVES sports. They excel at all physical activities. They're super sweet and friendly.

Features - Soft, wavy, dirty blonde hair , beautiful blue eyes and a sharp jawlines.

Hobbies - Sports and dancing.

Likes - Food, sports and making friends.

Dislikes - Bitter food , School work and teachers.

Fears -Tyler is deathly afraid of spiders and Taylor is deathly afraid of heights.

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