IDFB 14c: Bombs Away 💣

Start from the beginning

Pencil put her hand to her 'chin.' "Supervan, and there's five seats in there. Two people usually sit in the back one, but I suppose we could fit four in it. So that's eight people. But we have a large trunk, and there's probably enough room on the floor that we could probably have..." She paused. "Nineteen people. That's really pushing it, but we can probably fit nineteen people in the van."

"Hmm. We have twenty-four objects..."

"I can fly and carry Balloony," Cloudy offered.

"Yeah!" Puffball agreed. "I can take Fries!"

"-.. --- -. .----. - / ..-. --- .-. --. . - / - .... .- - / .. / .... .- ...- . / .-. --- -.-. -.- . - / -... --- --- ... - . .-. ... .-.-.- (Don't forget that I have rocket boosters.)"

"Excellent. Then everyone else can get in the van. Again, though, we don't have much time. Book, Ruby, Needle, and Puffball - get back to the HPRC in the next fifty minutes. Or else." They all nodded at GB. "Let's move, people!"

Needle grabbed the wooden box from Pencil and dashed off westwards. Puffball, Ruby, and Book trailed behind. Leafy picked up Dora and pushed her into the back of the van, then did the same with Flower, as she was still unconscious. Something slipped out of Flower's backpack in the process.

"Hey, check this out!" Coiny picked up the familiar orange device. "It's Firey's Speaker Box!"

Fries came over. "Huh. So Flower was the one who had it all this time?"

Coiny turned it over, revealing that the back panel had been opened. "I guess she deactivated it - looks like a bunch of wires were pulled out. It's useless now." Coiny carelessly tossed it behind him and Donut managed to catch it. The pastry inspected the box, then stashed it away for later use.

As Pencil climbed into the front seat to make sure everything was working, Golf Ball and Tennis Ball walked towards Seekayaitch. Pillow intercepted them. "Golf Ball, I-"

"Not. Now." GB hissed. Pillow just shrugged and decided to wait yet again.

Seekayaitch looked up when he heard the globules coming and sighed out loud. I suppose you want to know about your experiment?

Golf Ball looked around surreptitiously, but nobody else seemed to react to the human. He had projected his words into only GB's and TB's minds. "Yes, I do. I already rem-" She shook slightly as she thought about her past. "I already remember what happened, but... I want- I want to know about the third human. And why she..." GB couldn't even finish her sentence.

C glanced at Leafy, who was standing nearby. I suppose I don't really have a choice, do I?


Very well. Her name was Essaitch. Despite our similar names, she was not related to Emwhyaitch and I - she was simply a close friend. Close enough that when my brother and I discovered how to make inanimate objects animate, we asked her to help us eventually create BFDI. She agreed.

I must make something clear. Back then, we had no intention of harming you twenty in any way. We experimented on you all the time, but that was purely to gather data, and we never actually hurt any of you. Nowadays, of course, we don't care. I just brought that up because Essaitch showed signs of... breaking, which we did not notice until it was too late.

More context is needed for the next part. Remember how I said Evil Leafy was a failed experiment? Well, she wasn't the first version. We tried inventing a serum that would separate an object into two forms - a good side and a bad side - and we did, but we didn't use it on anyone because we were conflicted. Should we use it, in the name of science? Or should we leave it, in the off chance that it would hurt one of you?

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