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Gaege Pov

F*CK! God dammit Eddie. I'm bent over trying to clean up everything. I have less than an hour to clean my whole house. Which I haven't done in the past month, and there's trash everywhere. My eyes keep flicking to the clock, making sure I still have enough time to get ready and dressed. Once I get everything presentable, but not how I really want it, I strip myself of my clothes and get in the shower quickly. My showers will usually last for 15 to 20 minutes, but this one only lasted me 5 minutes. I dry myself off quickly and rummage around for some clothes. I find a sweatshirt and random pants and put them on quickly. I go into the bathroom and try to do my makeup quickly. Though I realize soon that I need to calm down in order to do my makeup. I'm ready and the house in partially clean (I'll be keeping him out of my room) 10 minutes before he's supposed to arrive. I guess I could have taken a bit longer shower. I decide instead of sitting and getting anxious, to clean my room a little bit because God is it messy. I hear a knock at the door when I have a ton of blankets in my arms. I go to door and I open it up with my foot. I almost loose my balance, but regain it. 

"Hey," I say. There's a pause. "Come in." I drop the blankets on the floor and fold them quickly.

"Do you want some help?" Eddie asks.

"That'd be nice," I say. He helps me fold them, and it goes twice as quick. My bedroom door is still open and it's still a mess. I quickly close it.

"What was that about?" Eddie asks.

"You don't really want to go in there," I say.

"But what if I do?" Eddie says.

"Trust me. You don't," I say.

"How bad is it?" Eddie asks.

"Bad. I have at least 4 more blankets in there and random food wrappers and crap on the floor. Don't go in it," I say.

"Do you want help cleaning it?" Eddie asks.

"No. Don't go in there. It's embarrassing. My whole house looked like that 1 hour ago," I say. "I looked exactly the same. God I don't think I had taken a shower in what, a week?"

"Well you look fine now," Eddie says.

"Oh, the wonderful power of makeup," I mutter. "You've never seen me without it."

"That's not true," Eddie says.

"Yes. Yes it is. Even the first time I met you I was wearing makeup. None of the boys have seen me without it. A little bit goes a long way," I say.

"How long have you been wearing it?" Eddie asks. I think it's a weird question but I answer it anyway.

"I don't know, during high school, and my dad hated it when he noticed it. Though it was about a year until he noticed. So, 16?" I say.

"You really wear makeup?" Eddie says.

"Yeah, why would I lie about that," I say. "It's weird isn't it?"

"What? No, it's not weird at all," Eddie says.

"I don't think you've ever seen a women without makeup," I say.

"Probably not," Eddie says.

"So. Why are you here?" I ask.

"Making up for lost time. We haven't hung out in like a month," Eddie says.

"That's not that long," I say.

"A lot of things happen in a month," Eddie says.

"Not for me. I stayed in bed, watched movies, and ate junk food. Wait! I take it back!" I say.

"Take what back?" Eddie asks.

"Narrator. He's seen me without it," I say.

"Without what?" Eddie asks.

"Makeup, he came to check on me one day, and it was during the worst period. I hadn't showered for more than a week and I wasn't wearing makeup at all. I had a breakout of pimples on my face. I looked terrible," I say.

"Oh, uh. I guess he hasn't told you this, but I was the visitor with him," Eddie says.

"Oh shit sorry," I say. "I just really didn't want human interaction."

"No, it's fine. I totally get it. So yeah I did," Eddie says.

"Did what?" I ask.

"See you without makeup. I caught a glimpse of you that day when you were talking to Narrator," Eddie says.

"F*ck! God I looked terrible!" I say.

"You looked fine," Eddie says.

"Trust me. You don't want to see that everyday. I wake up and scare myself sometimes. As you can see, I don't have many mirrors in my house," I say.

"Ok, you got me. It was a bit weird to see you like that. But you can't blame me! It was my first time seeing you like that. It wouldn't be weird if I saw you like that more often," Eddie says.

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"The next time I hang out with you, you don't have to wear makeup. I want to see you without it," Eddie says.

"No, no you really don't," I say.

"Please?" Eddie says.

"Maybe on a day that I don't look horrible," I cave.

"Really?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah, but you can't run away in fear," I say.

"Promise," Eddie says. We spend the rest of the day talking.

Wow long 848 words! Hope you liked it! Luv you guys!

It All Started With A One Night StandOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora