"Alright, I was scared" I shouted, unable to speak coherently from the ticklings. He let go of me, I quickly ran to the car and sat inside.

He came slowly and seated on the driver's seat, driving back to the town. I noticed how he struggled to keep a straight face, trying hard not to laugh. We drove for a long time, I tried to enjoy the ride but my eyes didn't agree with my heart, it drooped on its own accord. I leaned into the seat and settled my head on the headrest and fell asleep.

I woke up to the blinding sunlight pouring into my bedroom, with blinds wide open and tangled sheets wrapped around me. The first thing I noticed was that I had my socks on, socks that I wore yesterday, yuck!

I hastily tore it from my legs and threw it to the basket. I walked to my mirror and stared at my disgusting state. I grabbed my towel and rushed to hit the showers.

After a long refreshing bath, I dressed in a long tee that reached my knees and walked downstairs. I noticed my mom making breakfast. I walked to her and placed a light kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning! You ditched school!" She announced, with a mischievous smile spreading on her face. I knew what she was thinking, curiosity was visibly written all over her face.

My mom started to ask something but she was disturbed by the ping that came from the phone. I gestured my phone to her and sat on the table while she resumed cooking.

I looked at the display and found, there were five messages from two chats. I opened the inbox, there were two messages from Cole and three messages from Nathan. I first checked Coles text, it displayed

Where are you?

How did Aiden carry you to your bed?
Did you guys do the deed? ( I want to know everything!)

His curiosity and excitement could be sensed but I decided to let pass the message and open the next. I read the text Nathan sent me

You are not at school today.
I wondered when had Nathan ever noticed if I make it to school. I read the other messages,

Are you sick?

Ele, are you okay? Why aren't you replying?
It's been ten minutes since this message was delivered. I replied

I am fine, just woke up.

Oh okay!
Came his immediate response, I checked the time,  it read 11.32 am, it's Science subject this time. I wondered how he was texting me in the middle of the class. So I asked,

Aren't you at science class, how are you texting?

More importantly, since when did you start noticing me? Heh!

I sent and waited for his reply. I heard my phone vibrate after a few minutes, it read

Since forever? Wait! You aren't that special.

I fumed at his sarcasm, another message graced my inbox, it read

We share three classes, I was enjoying myself here without you! That is how I knew you weren't at school.

I wondered when he will run out of sarcastic replies, I knew he was a douchebag but I hate being trotted by.
So I replied,

Listen douchebag, wait! You keep forgetting that you are a douchey right.

I really didn't want to look at your face today so I ditched.

By the way, stop enjoying yourself too much, I'll be back tomorrow.

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