"No. I think I will keep hold of that guy. But if I ever do change sides, I'll let you know."

Randi winked at Matty.

"Well, gotta go. I am working tonight. Introducing my fish cake bites tonight."

"I am sure they will be a big hit," Matty assured her.

"Fingers crossed," Randi smiled.

Bill and Matty said goodbye, as Randi opened  the front door.

She turned quickly.

"Oh, one more thing."

Bill and Matty turned.

"There is some old dude spirit waiting for you on the veranda."


Randi shrugged.

"No idea."

Bill and Matty walked around the corner of the house and there stood Silas Williams.

"Hey Silas."

"Bill. Matty. I was wondering if I could speak with the two of you?"

Bill opened the patio door, so Matty could go inside.

"Come on in Silas."

Bill and Matty got out of there winter clothes

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Bill and Matty got out of there winter clothes. Matty got a cup of tea, while Bill poured a scotch.

Matty sat in an armchair, staring at the scotch in Bill's hand.

"I hate you."

"What did I do?"

"Its because of you that I can't drink."

She took the scotch from Bill and poured a little in her tea.

"Just a drop won't hurt."

She passed the glass back to Bill.

"Don't tell Nick."

"I always like to watch the way the two of you interact," Silas smiled.

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