Xavier Parsons

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Xavier Parsons led the way through the thick forest of birch and evergreens.

"Xavier? Why da fuck is wes takin' dis way to git to the site? Wouldn't it 'ave been easier to go thru Tuckamore Bay?"

Xavier stopped and turned to his brother Arthur.

"It wud 'ave been and Ise bes sure dat dey wud 'ave welcomed us wit open arms. Ise sure old man Dove and da others wud 'ave 'elped us as well."

He shook his head.

"'as youse forgot da feud?"

"Feud or no feud," Ben King half yelled.

"Wese cud 'ave picked a better night to do dis. Why in da fuck is wes outing dis thunderstorm?"

"We 'as to start up da generator to run da drill

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"We 'as to start up da generator to run da drill. 'ow long does youse tink wese be drillin' before dem spirits bes tellin' da men of da Bay 'bout us?"

"Spirits? Seriously, Xavier. Youse don't believe in all dat shit, does youse?"

"Ise seen dem, Benny. Dey bes all over da Bay and dey wud lets da men knows in no time. And wes be up to our neck in shit.

Ifin dey catches us on der land, wese will end up off Anchor Point."

"Den why da fuck is wese doin' dis?" Ben yelled.

"Even ifin wese finds gold at da mountain, dere bes nuttin' wese can do 'bout it."

"Not us, but me cousin John bes runnin' in da next election. ifin 'e gits in office, 'e can 'elp us get squatters rights to da claim and ifin dere bes gold dere, wes cud all bes rich."

"Or wese gits caught and becomes fish food."

Xavier put his hand on Ben's shoulder.

"Ifin youse wants to go back, den youse go."

Ben shook his head.

"No. Let's git dis done. Wese come dis far."

The three men continued on through the darkness, following the beams of their flashlights and the occasional lightening flash that lit up the forest, like it was daytime.

The rain was pouring down on them, but all three men wore oilskins and boots, so they were dry.

They had parked their truck on the highway, about a mile or so from the dirt road that lead to Tuckamore Bay. They took the special drill and drill bit they had purchased, as well as a case to hold the samples and headed off through the darkness into the forest.

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