So Heros Are The Villians No ?

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unedited ;

" but what if he gets hurt — that's a lot to handle "

" it is a lot but he has the body for it how —i'm not sure he is only what — 6 " your eyes widened as you fully came to terms with what endeavor was saying

" if shoto keeps working sho like I told him to and made him then your son could grow up to be the best hero in jap-"

" no hero " you screamed " he — he will not be a hero"

" are you stupid "

" I will not support it " your body roared at his suggestion
" I see you still hold the grudge "

he scolded looking away from you " how disgusting"

he pushed at your body directing you out" get out " he shooed you " go back to where you sat before your of no use to me "

you moved to sit back in front of him like you were earlier " y/n that's shameful "

you looked away " your son has the ability to grow up —- he can do it right now if he wasn't so — so playful he takes nothing serious — "

he scoffed " such a talented quirk for a senseless kid"

" don't speak about him that way "

" what happenes if he grows up and wants to be a hero "

you were quiet " if he decides for himself that he sees a future in heroism "

your voice came out low " then I— I won't support it"

" you can't do that to him—to us "

his fist pounded on the table " you can't do that to the hero system "

his voice calmed " we hero's have a hierarchy set in place and right now there's no one  on it — almost none of the people from your year at UA have topped leader boards — bakugou was shunned in the community— deku followed his old friend and left us high and dry — people — kids who I thought were going to help us left — mina was the only one who was doing good until — "

he scoffed " until she fucking said she wanted to be a dancer " he looked at you in a look of
' what the fuck '

" she wanted to be a dancer I couldn't even stop her it was so fucking weird that I just let her go — your whole class just gave up — like you guys were burned out "

" we were " you screamed his face darkening at your objection

" we were so tired we had been working endlessly since 1 st year you older hero's were suppose to be teaching us and you — you made us do everything — who were we to be saving hero's that were twice our age — we were used at our age and when we finally got to the hero world it was nothing new we'd basically been hero's since we were kids it wasn't even fun anymore "

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