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sho has to have white hair 😩🤚🏾 like just a full head of white hair

you gulped before turning away from kaname and back " he um —i'm so sorry "

" dad " sho screamed wiping at his eyes before he jumped off the couch

" sho bud " shoto squatted on the floor watching as sho pushed kaname out of the way and ran towards him shoto smiling happily when he felt shos arms tighten around him

" what's up buddy " he spoke softly
' he's so soft around them '

" nothing we had fun we met mommy's new friend "

" oh really "

" yeah he's super nice you two would probably like each other "

kaname rolled his eyes scoffing " mister kats would never like someone so low as this deadbeat "

you pushed his back signaling him to stop
" what it's only the truth " your mind raced
' kaname what are you doing why are you acting like this your going to upset him '

" deadbeat ? " shoto questioned turning to face your other son " is it deadbeat to take care of you ? to provide food for you ? "

his voice was accusing" as far as I know you've never had those things before nor someone who wanted to so i'd say i'm the furthest thing from deadbeat you've ever known "

sho hugged him tighter sending angry eyes to kaname before curling himself in shotos chest
" are you saying that I'm not a good father "

his eyes squinted
" do you not think i'm a good father —a good person at least "

" what I— no I think — "

" kaname speak up stop stuttering and answer your father "

his eyes came up to look at you in shock before turning back to shoto " I — I was "

" you were? "

" kaname you look so dumb daddy is a great person he loves us and just —he can't show it "

" thank you sho i'm sorry I haven't been more open to you two i'm trying really hard but I don't feel like i'm liked very much" he sent a look towards kaname " I don't feel like you two can talk to me and it makes me sad "

sho looked at kanmae and had anger written on his face " do you see what you've done kaname you made dad cry you made him feel bad "

" hey no no " you said trying to step in shotos eyes moving from kaname to yours his eyebrow raising

" I-i'm sorry " kaname mumbled out turning to shoto speaking softly his head bowed as a tear found it's way down his face " i'm sorry if I make you feel that way dad I was-I wasn't trying to "

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