Mini Lifesavers

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" w-what do you mean "

' come back to me no matter what '

he knew something he waved his hand to dissmiss you

" you — you know don't you " you took a deep breathe he was never suppose to know; what gave you away ;how did he find out

" I — it wasn't suppose to happen like this — I didn't mean to — "

" I don't want to hear it "

" but there's more to it I —"

" I said I didn't want to hear it "

" i'm not working for h- "

his voice thundered " I SAID I DIDNT WANT TO HEAR IT SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL HERE SPEAKING TO ME ABOUT IT " he said his mouth turned up in a frown " either you get the fuck out or you shut your mouth stop speaking from your ass and come sit on the bed "

you let out a breath and moved to sit on the bed " are y-"

" y/n " he warned telling you not to talk about it any further

" it's not about that — are you — are you gonna tell everyone else "

" of course "

" but bakugou you - you can't "

" and why cant I — since you wanna tell me what I can and can't do — and tell me everything i do is wrong — even though your a undercover mafia princess — tell me y/n " you looked to the floor

" yeah don't feel bad " he said turning his head away from you in disgust as you spoke " your gonna get me killed "

he turned his head back towards you " he's gonna kill me if he finds out I let it slip if he finds out all of them know let alone just you i'm going to die "

tears were forming in your eyes " I— I screwed up I had one mission — one thing to complete for him "

" it's his fault for sending a chick to do his dirty work I shouldn't have to do this "

" he didn't send me I asked " bakugou was even more confused looking at you right now

" I asked because I messed up with him — I just I really screwed up " he was looking at you as if he needed to approach you with caution if you had managed to screw up with someone of that rank what would that say about him

" I— I tried to kill him " the room went dead silent your eyes wide at the floor because you had never admitted to it your body was shaking as the words released from your mouth .

You shook uncomfortable at the way a person who was always so loud was now quiet .

As if he was relatives with a mouse . You turned your head slowly to see a wide eyed fear struck bakugou staring at you like you'd just murdered a family of cows because they wouldn't supply you milk .

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