Talking Through Memories

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dudes they hit me with that " no phones while we eat" 😔🕺🏾
but i'll post what I have written

Today was the day

tonight was the night

Shotos gala

the one event you hated . most people you met assumed you loved it the flashy clothes the big smiles the rings presented on your fingers if anything someone would of thought this is where you shined .

the truth behind it was were they wrong ?

" y/n fix my tie " you hurried over to shotos tie smiling in the mirror at him before you reached your hands out to grab hold of the solid blue tie .

" thank you " he smiled down on you great full for your help even though you still had to get ready

He loved that you dropped everything to help him he loved that you were at his beck and call he wished for nothing more than those nights when he would tell you what he wanted to eat and you would throw away any dinner you had already prepared he loved it .

Anytime you showed up when he called your nicknames he found himself engrossed in the feeling of happiness so why was he now getting a feeling of dred.

the galas had always been the one night where he could show you off in front of everyone and show how well you behaved all while you followed hidden rules no one knew about but he was finding himself wanting to give you less.

Even though you were looking up at him with your smile he couldn't help but think

you enjoyed this you were happy right ?

he still felt himself wanting to free you of the shackles he had placed he had held down on you .

In the beginning you were more open you would fight him anytime he told you to do something but down the line you started to get more submissive.

He liked it but he always had a feeling that he wanted to see the old you .

The one who was strong who fought back who didn't bow down to him who was his challenge.

He missed when you were kids just like you he wished to return to the movies on the couch the cold soba noodles after a really hard battle between the two of you but now he had structure he had to keep everyone disciplined he had to make sure everything was tidy he couldn't let anyone in what would happen if he did he thought almost everyday what would happen if he finally let you in and broke all the walls all the fairness he wished for you two to have between each other what if he placed it in front of you to make it a chase no

what if he placed it in your hands for you to have to hold to stare and fall in love with .

He already knew the answer he would break

shoto already knew if he tore everything he had set up with you all the structure he had created between you two the fear that would course through your veins at just a small look from him he knew he would break

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