Dead Arms & Almost Dead Kids

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your mind raced as you saw an open room nothing inside walls that were suppose to be white just like the floor now covered in red

Nothing else

Just a sea of red decorated the room you had once known

" Do i kill them too " kirishima said staring down at the floor

" dude just do it —-don't wanna chance it " kirishima assumed his position as he cocked the gun your eyes falling open as the sight before you finally came into view .

" sorry little gu-" your body jumped through the air as you pulled kirishima back lifting his gun from the bottom up to the ceiling a shot ringing through the room your ears losing hearing for a moment as you threw him on the floor his brain malfunctioning for a moment before trying to get you off of him

" what the he—" you used all your strength to position yourself over him your legs wrapped tightly around his waist as you two laid on the ground .

Bakugou was confused not understanding how they'd left two people alive
" why are there still survivors " bakugous voice roaring kirishima shook before turning from you to bakugou

" well we couldn't figure it out these two look innocent but — knowing todoroki you never know "

your body moved off of him your knees going to the ground as you sat still in front of the two people in the room " why — the — wh-what are you doing here" your eyes widened as you shook

" mo—" you put your finger to your lips shaking your head

" y/n do you know these kids " your eyes hardened as if telling them not to speak

Their eyes quickly heading for the floor " they work for the house as I told you earlier "

your eyes moved to kirishima and denki " you don't kill innocents — you watch clearly what you do "

" then how are we suppose to get to our goal if we don't assume everyone is a bad guy here we can't just stop what we're doing and risk dying ourselves "

your eyes hardened at denkis statement " look i'm just gonna kill the kids I don't know what you have going on right now if your mommy instinct is just kicking in or what I can give you more kids y/n you don't need these ones so-"


" you kill these kids and the next bullets going in your balls " denki squeaked as he ran out of the room kirishima gathering himself before looking at the two kids before him

" look little guys i'm sorry ok I would never try to hurt any kids it's just a difficult situation right now ok "

he sighed " you two weren't really helping me either the little one over here was crying his ass off and the taller one was giving me attitude I thought you guys were just evil midgets so i'm really sorry " kirishima shook his head at you and left the room bakugou standing squinting his eyes at you as he moved to close the door behind kirishima

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