Surface Memories

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you moved to wipe your eyes and stood to get out of the chair your thoughts racing

' he was in my mind what else did he see '

you moved to go to the door to only be stopped by deku " what was he talking to you out there about"

" nothing " you moved passed the group of guys your arm being grabbed by bakugou

" is that your new favorite word or something you've been saying it all day "

his eyebrows came together as he studied your face eyes widening  " it's not nothing you were obviously crying what —"

you yanked your hand from his arm moving to walk up the stairs

" hey " deku screamed as you kept walking you couldn't do this right now not with all these memories coming up

" get back down here and acknowledge people when their talking to you " he said sternness wrapped all In his voice you kept walking up the stairs deku moving to the bottom of them " y/n I swear on your own fucking grave if you walk up one more stair "

your body stalled

" if you leave me there'll be consequences " he spoke your shaky hands gripping and regripping the bags you held

" l-like w-what ? will y-you have tho-those thugs you call friends come af-after me "

" aw you don't like my friends but we got along so well when they were here remember that night you got along so well with — if I can even remember the assholes name — I think it was sir or oh god at least that's what I heard you say althoug—"

your bags dropped and you went to fumble with your hands out of anxiousness something you had picked up in your time with him .

Your body still facing the door eyes still stuck on it " think about who's out there for you , who wants you , who's waiting for you to come home "

" m-my mom " you stammered out

" m-my family my brother my d-"

" y/n their gone " you heard his steps slowly approach you from behind " their all dead  y/n "

" n-no their not "

" they are you just forgot and every single time I have to remind you "

" w-wha-how " he was almost to you

" it was you y/n it was your quirk "

" m-my quirk "

" yes y/n y-you wiped em out they stood no chance " he let out a airy laugh

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