Hidden Objects

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it was silent as you packed the car along with the other guys.

Occasionally passing by a obviously mad sero , bakugou who seemed a bit uptight and ready to kill anything that crossed his path , deku who'd helped you with the weapons tying knives to your black pants as your shirt was near skin tight so you wouldn't be held back You bent down helping deku tuck the knives into your boots to make them hidden , and denki who was staring at your but-

" denki " you called out shaking him

" y-yeah y/n "

" why are you staring at my ass "

bakugous ears perked up " yeah why are you staring at her ass tv antlers "

denki jumped " hey what's with the rude names baku hoe "

he smirked but it didn't last long he was held in a chokehold before sero could even reach out to help
" you've really been testing out my patience as of late huh "

" look bakugou this — um this is really unnecessary it's ok to acknowledge when a woman is beautiful right "

he smiled " right y/n it builds confidence , helps with —"

" not mine " bakugou seethed " im more than capable of lifting her up if she needed it "

he dropped denki " so stop staring at the shitty woman "

" dude that's literally going against everything you just said "

sero commented under his breath opening your car door and letting you get inside then walking over to the drivers seat .

You found yourself sitting in the backseat with bakugou, deku and kirishima . denki saying he'd rather be as far away from bakugou as he could but his plan only backfired when bakugou smirked and sat directly behind the passenger seat whispering in denkis ear " turn around I dare you "

denkis body stalled and you could only imagine what bakugou told him .

Honestly in these few moments you could care less as a chill rolled off your body you looked around the car. Almost every male was quiet which was a first for you .

No one showed happiness or interest in this mission not that they ever had and the two males who now knew of your situation were fuming silently. Sero originally wanted to call shinso but you somehow convinced him not to explaining it would only worsen the deep shit you were in with shoto you tried to relax but found yourself wrapped in your own mind

' i'm going home ' you leaned your head into your lap breathing heavy

' i'm scared ' your eyes closed together tightly your body was trying to fold in on itself or at least that's how you felt

' initially i never wanted to leave home but look at me now — i'm just a scaredy cat i'm afraid to go back all because of the half assed job i did ' .

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