The Jobs Done But By Who

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" I- I can't do it " your hand on the gun trembled
" I-I don't want to do it "

you cried " i'm sorry i'm sorry "

his body stood " what do you mean y/n —if it's troubling you this much then they should of sent someone else —never mind this isn't gonna work —your not gonna do it they should have sent bakugou —please I don't want you to be the one to do this not if you don't have enough hate and want to on your own— just hand me the gun if you can't do it "

he sighed " you have to please— if you can't please give me the gun i'll do your job for you "

" why me "

" because — I don't want you to have a bad conscience and only think of me as who you killed — I want you to think of me as the person who you once found it in your heart to love "

" what good would killing you do — just go to jail for abuse "

" what — y/n no I wanna go I wanna die I don't wanna be with my dad anymore this —this pressure I can't I can't handle it anymore —even if i did go to jail we both know i'd only be in there for a few days i mean look at who my dad is "

you thought back to his earlier state of him balled up in the corner and how tired his voice was
" just please "

you moved back as he followed standing in the middle of the room him in front of you blocking your exit to the door the gun outstretched between you two " just give me the gun y/n i'll just do it myself "

" no " you screamed " I do love you "
you cried
" I do I do I do — I have always loved you shoto but — I know bakugou holds a place In my heart now "

he smiled " I know and that's ok I know there was a time when you loved me and i'm grateful for it but right now I would like for you to hand me the gun so I can end this — i'd hate for you to even see it let alone do it if you can't bring yourself to do it "

you held the gun out to him with both hands as his hand reached out to you " that's good easy good girl "

he smiled as you placed it in his hands it never leaving yours as he smiled at you
" for me to do this you gotta let g-"

Your eyes failed to register what you saw in front of you your body feeling numb as you moved your eyes to face shoto who had dropped the gun it weighing heavy in your hands as you watched multiple expressions pass over his face until his eyes moved slowly to yours his hand coming up slowly to feel at his stomach .

His eyebrow and face wincing in pain as you watched him look down and see blood coming from his white shirt a small smile playing at his face as you screamed " wh-wh-what did you do "

shotos voice soft and raspy
" hey 'ame" he spluttered up the blood that could make it up his throat
" w-welcome to the party "

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