He Doesnt Know

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your face fell as your feet moved backwards almost slipping smiling uncomfortably " how — how would you know what I — I came here for —"

" why haven't you been answering his calls " he said his eyes like stone on you " he's pissed "

your mouth went dry " who-who are you talking about sero "

his sucked his teeth " please y/n — don't do it — don't play dumb with me "

his eyes squinted and returned to their regular shape " you know exactly who i'm talking about "

you moved to run away from the male your hair being gripped tightly and body being yanked back into him

" y/n look " he sighed " I gotta get paid and you gotta do your job so let's help each other out and work together and get ourselves out of this shithole all right hermosa "

he groaned as he moved to let you go , you moving to stand still in front of him to hold a conversation
" now why haven't you been answering his calls "

" I was trying to follow through with the plan "

" and you couldn't stop to call him for a minute it's been weeks and he's blowing up my phone "

" i'm sorry I just thought that —"

" no — there's more too it — you were trying to be happy with bakugou "

your face lit up " n-no I "

" y/n come on you think I don't notice it " he sighed " all the little talks you guys have you calling him babe just now getting off the fucking couch "

he looked down on you worry In his eyes " I just don't want you to get too comfortable— your putting his life at risk and you know it — you know if shoto finds out it's anything more than what he sent you here for bakugous gonna end up under your name as people you've killed "

" I know and I — I never meant for it to go this far "

" then why are you entertaining him this much I mean aren't you happy " he smiled small " I mean your dating shoto todoroki he has money he has cars what — what else do you need "

" you really don't know do you "

his eyebrows came together " know — know what — I know all about the mission he told me to watch you said you were suppose to break bakugou or something and that you had to get files "

" oh so you don't know why I'm here "

" yeah you um — you pissed him off or some shit "

you smiled if he knew sero for sure would not continue this job " you don't know who he is either what he's done to me huh "

" done to you — what ? — ok look y/n i'm not in this for all that i'm doing this for the money "

" and how would they feel when they find out your working for him "

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