Unexpected Assholes

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"y/n "

" huh " your voice came out short and sweet

" come on let's go I need you to do something for me"

" but i'm tired "

he sucked his teeth wiping off his mouth rolling his eyes moving from his position in front of you
" it wasn't even that bad "

he reached his hand out to fix your shirt " come on " you sighed and sat up shakily reaching your feet out to touch the floor.

You wouldn't say you were sore but you knew your body hurt shoto was rough and for some reason you were still on his desk. You walked behind him as he opened the door for you to walk you making it halfway away from his desk before you fell .

His grip on you strong bringing you back up " ok maybe it was that bad —just walk it out babe "

your eyes locked on him
" i'm uh sorry " he coughed looking away and moved to pick you up " i'll just carry you "

you turned to face away from him
" hey come on are you mad " you didn't speak finally being picked up and your head moving into his chest ignoring him as he continued to ask you questions until he finally stopped his body slowing at the top of the stairs

" y/n " you heart thumped" i'm not moving anywhere until you give me a verbal answer" 

" yes "

" come on don't be mad about things we can't control — you had fun right "

" yeah —yeah sorry it's ok i'm fine "

" see your always so easy to be around I love that about you " he smiled and planted a kiss to your forehead walking you two out of the room
" so what'd your story say anyways your face dropped remembering the pencil and paper he'd give you before your earlier actions when he told you to write a story 'he's such an asshole sometimes'

" oh uh —i just wrote a um —a basic fairytale" he moved to his pocket " here I grabbed it off my desk before we left I wanted to know what you were thinking "
pulling it out and reading it your heart slowing
" ok so look it starts off nice
" once upon a time " such a basic introduction huh
y/n "
he laughed eyes roaming the paper

" once upon a time there was a princess who's father went out to war when he didn't come back the daughter had no choice but to assume he died. After some time she moved in with her stepmom and step sister and was forced to cleeean ' did you mean to mess up that word " he laughed

" n-no m-my hand slipped "

" oops sorry " he smiled finishing reading
" her name was was wa cinder cindebella "

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