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So I know its been long and I'm so so sorry, but first off I've been catching up with school and all my work, not to mention on my sleep. I havent been getting good sleep and its affecting me alot.

And I ha ent watched anything beyond ep. 13, so if you guys finished true beauty not spoilers plzzz!!.

So the reason why I havent been able to finish is because first of all I dont get any time to watch it. Second, I'm super scared to watch, with all the spoilers I've seen, I'm not mentally ready to keep watching, I'm in pain. I will try to watch tmmr and get a chapter up.

Another thing is, after this book ends, I dont know what will happen . Because every seems to love this book, but I'm not sure you'll love my other works as much as this, and maybe I will make a sequel or make my own S2.

But I just hope you guys support my other books just as much as this one, you guys have gotten me so far and I wanna thank you for that. your votes and comments give me the courage to continue to write.

I'm currently writing a Extraordinary you  ff. So I think after I'm done with this one I will start to publish the Extraordinary you one. And I hope you guys keep support all my other works.

I promise I'll make the last remaining chapters awesome for you guys to read and enjoy!!

Bye bye for now.

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