Chapter 7

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"5, 6, 7, 8" Seyeon counted.

We started from the top once again.

Soon after Suho and Seojun bumped into each other.

Causing all of us to stop once more.

"Okay, remember which way your going, Seojun you keep going the wrong way!" Seyeon then starts to explain.

I grab my water bottle and chug the water down.

"We need to start taking this a bit more seriously, or we could get fired in no time, we need to be the best of the best you know?" I say
And they all nod.

It had been about a month since our performance, we had all gotten the task that will help us show off our dancing skills.

This time we had gotten a western pop song.

We had a personal choreographer, who had been teaching us for about 2 weeks, luckily we were pretty fast learners.

"Okay, let's start from the top with your solo" Seyeon says towards me.

I cue the music.

I start with my part, until the boys walk in and I walk out.
The 3 boys do there parts and I hype them up.
And they start feeling themselves.

I walk in and stand up in front next to Seojun and join them in the last part of the choreography.

The music finishes off and we all stand their panting.

"Hey, we did pretty good!" Seojun says high fiving all of us.

We all drank some water, the boys all collapsed on the ground just laying there for a bit while I practice my solo.

While I was practicing, I see a flash from the mirror, I turn around to see Seojun struggling to turn it off.

"Oouu Han seojun is taking pictures of Areummmm!!" Seyeon teased.

"I was not, I was trying to take a selfie" he argued.

And I start to laugh.

"That's why you check, before you take the picture" Suho says showing a picture of me on his phone.

"Is that from the time we were at your house? When did you take that!?" I say.

Seojun try's to snatch Suho's phone away but he stands up and starts running from him, and Seojun follows after.

Me and Seyeon just laugh at them.

I take a seat next to Seyeon and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I win!" Seyeon says

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