Chapter 8 2/2

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I had gotten home and I sat down on the couch as I read the ending of my book.

"Woah, so he was the killer all along." I close the book and I look at the time.

"I don't think the comic book store is closed right? I think I'll exchange this for something different." I get up and put on some shoes and put a jacket over me

I start walking to the prince comic store.
I walked in, to my surprise I see suho pat jookyungs head.

"You did great." he says

"You really did. I know you studied hard. Your class rank went up by 20
I'm proud of you. Are you crying again?" He says

"No I'm not
Stop making fun of me. I'm not touched at all, Mr. Top of the class."

"What should I do for you then? Should  buy you a whole new set of cosmetics?" He said as he filled her bowl with his own noddle.

"Why are you being so nice today? You're always a cool tone, but you're a warm tone today." She ask.

I strangely felt my eyes begin to fill up with tears. Don't get me wrong I wasn't crying for Suho. I was crying of happiness, I think Suho finally found someone who is worth his time, and someone he wants to be better for and it made me so happy.

"Do you not like guys who are cool?" He asks

"What?" She says

"What do you like?" He asks

I smiled softly and walk into a different direction trying to give them privacy, but my tears wouldn't stop pouring.

"Why won't I stop crying, I'm happy, I'm so very happy" I say wiping the tears away.

I guess being away for so long and coming back made me realize things do in fact change, and it made me realize that I'm not the only girl in their lives anymore.

I begin to look for another book and wait until they left before heading out.

I walked back home while reading the book.

"I hate worms" I hear a familiar voice yell.

Seriously why do I always run into them. I mean, I am right next to jookyung's house but I thought they'd be gone by now, I must have calculated wrong.

"Stay still, I'll get it off." He says

I watch as he takes off her shoe and cleans it.

"Sit down, you'll fall" he says

"Are you sure?" She say and he nods.

She then starts to sit on top of his shoulder

What the...
I really doubt he means on him.

"I meant to sit there" Suho says pointing at the chair that stood next to them.

"What?" She says
"Never mind. Here. I'm done." He says

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