05 This Love

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IT HAS BEEN a few weeks since Sebastian moved back and both of us have already established a routine. He drives me to work every morning and gives me a ride home if we don't have other plans. It does help that both of us live in the same apartment building so he would cook dinner for both of us at my place on most nights. It's like we are back in university days when we were inseparable.

Every morning he prepares breakfast for me to eat at work with a handwritten note. Every day the message would be different and has become something that I look forward to every morning. I take a polaroid picture of every meal we share together, and I keep them in a small box along with the handwritten notes he left me. It's like a treasure box of our time together.

Not much has changed, we spend our free time on the sofa reading. Both of our jobs require us to attend social events all the time, so we enjoy relaxing at home on weekends. And now that Sebastian has become my personal chef, we spend most of our weekends holed up in the kitchen making pastries. He has taught me to slow down and enjoy life a little more. It's refreshing to drop the career women facade once in a while.

"You know this is the first time I've attended an event with a date?" Sebastian says with a proud smile.

I shoot him a dirty look, "Me too loverboy... I figured since both of us will be attending, we might as well go together. I can already see the news articles, Bella and Sebastian's relationship timeline!"

A few gossip blogs started a rumour that Sebastian is gay because he's rarely pictured with women. And he has what they call, The Manner Hand. When he takes photos, his hands would hover over people so there isn't any physical contact. People call him a gentleman but it's actually Sebastian's pet peeve. He absolutely hates it when people touch him, I used to tease him by poking him. But now he seems fine when I touch him, so he's probably over it.

"It's a masquerade ball, Bel, no one will recognize us." The certainty in his eyes calms my nerves down.

The grand masquerade ball is an annual exclusive event where only top tier artists around the world gather to celebrate art. Both of us have influence in the entertainment industry so we've been invited. I've been invited in previous years, but I never went because the thought of dancing and socializing with a room full of strangers gives me anxiety. If Sebastian didn't ask me to join him I wouldn't even have entertained the idea of attending.

Sebastian takes my hand and gives me a comforting smile as we sit in the back of his Bentley. Definitely less flashy compared to his Lambo but it feels odd sitting in the back with him since he is usually the one who is driving. Tonight is one of the nights where I'm reminded that he is not just an ordinary man. He is a powerful man who has security and assistants that accompany him wherever he goes. But to me, he will always be my loverboy.

And that is why we work so well together. I am his Bel and he is my loverboy. Both of us are very private people so he knows that his entourage makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm grateful they tend to disappear when I am around. I used to hate it but now that my career has taken off, I understand it. I went to work one day and suddenly realized I also have a group of people following me around everywhere I go.

There is a line of expensive cars heading up the driveway of a mansion. I notice sparkling lights hanging over the driveway as we drive closer.

"Masks on," Sebastian grins and puts his simple black mask on. The mask accentuates his dazzling eyes and strong jawline. I'm used to seeing him in suits now but something about this dinner jacket and bow tie makes him look devastatingly gorgeous tonight.

He pulls out a bejewelled red masquerade mask that matches my crimson gown.

The driver pulls into the driveway and a valet opens Sebastian's door. Sebastian takes my hand and helps me out. My heartbeat lurches at the sight of the mansion's entrance.

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