"Yeah. You're going to be an uncle." He laughs... happily. Aw! Sometimes he gets so adorable.

"How come I didn't know he had a girl?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" He smiles at my suggestion, as if it's the best idea in the world. The car comes to a stop and I realize that we're here. "Bye, Cabby. I'll see you tomorrow."

He nods, before rolling up his window and driving off. I sigh happily and spin on my heels, sauntering into my apartment. They have the elevator up and running so I take that.

After a few seconds of annoying elevator music, I head out of the elevator towards my apartment. I found my package, and thank heavens that it hasn't been found by my neighbor yet. She has a colorful vocabulary. I spot a letter on the box as well. Shrugging, I take that inside as well.

I place the letter on the kitchen counter, before ripping open my package. I had ordered a lamp to go in my bedroom. It was getting slightly dark. I'm going to be buying more furniture next month when I can afford it.

When I'm done fixing the lamp in my bedroom, next to my mattress, I FaceTime Adrian. He picks up almost instantly. There's a spoon hanging from his mouth and ice cream over his lips.

Oh, what I'd do to kiss those lips right now.

"I miss you," He tells me. A blush creeps upon my face and I make no effort in hiding it.

"I miss you more."

"I miss you most."


"Oh hell no."


"Baby, stop." Like always, my heart skips at the word 'baby'.


"I'll come over there and dump ice cream on you," He threatens.

"Oh, kinky," I smirk. "I bet you'd lick it off me too."

"I don't have a kink."

"I have one."

"What is it?"

"I want to lick the ice cream off your lips."

I literally feel him smirk. "I thought you didn't like strawberry ice cream?" Oh, please, I'll like anything that's on him.

"I like the taste of your lips," I wink at him. "Now get your ass over here, I'm done with work and want to spend time with you."

"On my way." I see him scramble off of couch, before hanging up on me. Oh, how it feels to be dating this man. Too bad I'll be starting college soon and won't be able to spend too much time with him. Of course, I can wait to start college, but I'll miss spending all my time after work with him.

I open Subway Surf and start playing boredly waiting for Adrian to arrive. A while later, I hear loud screaming. Oh my, is that Karen at it again? What poor soul is she yelling at now?

Feeling like a nosy neighbor, I quietly open the door and peek outside only to see Karen yelling at Adrian. Oh hell no, she's not going to yell at my boyfriend like that. And Adrian, as always, doesn't say anything when he's being yelled at.

He should stand up for himself, dammit!

"Are you stalking me?!" She shrieks, her voice cracking just a little.

"Hey!" I shout. "What's going on?"

"This man just knocked on my door!"

"Well, sorry, we'll make sure no man ever knocks on your door again," I snarl nastily. "Now if you'll excuse us." I grab Adrian's wrist and pull him into my apartment. "I thought I told you my apartment number."

"I must have mistaken it." I remember that he uses emojis instead of actual words when saving his contacts. Does he not know how to read?!

"You use emojis to save contacts and you never text me, you just straight call me. Is there something I should know about?"

"No, it's nothing."

"Then read this for me," I hold out a random container I found lying on my kitchen counter. I think it's Nutella.

"Bailey, can you stop being so pushy?"

"I just want to know. I'm not going to judge you."

"You are. Everyone has," He snaps.

"Am I everyone?" I ask, sticking my chin out giving him a daring look. His eyes instantly soften.



"I'm dyslexic," He tells me, his words flowing quickly. He's dyslexic... Fuck. "I've always had trouble reading and writing. It's like someone's playing Word Jumble with me all the time. I remember when I was younger, other kids would always tease me for reading words that weren't there. Don't look at me like that, I don't need your damn pity."

"I don't pity you, Adrian."

"You look like you do."

"I was just admiring the man you are. You've been through so much, yet you still manage to be so amazing. I really like that about you. I don't pity you."

"You're the best," He smiles, just a little.

"But if you're dyslexic, how do you drive around without taking the wrong turns?"

"I use the GPS and when I'm doing business, I have one of my men lead the way," He shrugs. "It's not that hard."

"That's what she said. But I bet it is hard though?"

"Do you want to see?"

Um, hell yes I do. "Show me," I smirk. 


a/n: oop. did i just rob you guys? yes. yes i did. 👁👄👁

anyway, i hope you liked this chapter ;) she brozoned kaden!!! wha- anyway, i'm sleepy and i wrote this chapter for you guys, double updates are poppin. well, good night! for me at least. 

love you! 

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