Chapter 35

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Tianna POV
I just got home and all I want to do is take me a shower and go to sleep "tia you not gone eat" she ask me.

Shook head no.

"Okay call if you need anything okay. Love you" she said and I heard the door shut. Got up and locked it, I walked back to my room getting clothes and stuff.

I was taking off my clothes looked in the mirror and see that I have a bruise on my cheek. "What did I even do" I cried to myself.

Can't believe he hit and nun of them niggas out there said nothing.

Ima just cry my eyes out in the shower and I don't fucking feel good.
I got out the shower putting on lotion so I could got to bed.


"Heyy you okay tianna" she ask me. I really didn't feel like talking to anybody tonight.

"Yes I'm okay I'm just finna go to sleep now" I said.

"Okay I'll call you in the morning then. Love you" she said then hung up. I didn't even bother putting on clothes.

I got in bed turning on the tv and started watching Chicago P.D and then out of no where I started crying.

I'm not over the fact that he hit me for no reason. He killed people in broad daylight at a public airport, now what if he go to jail for that or get caught.

Something told me to not fall for dudes down here, I should've left I was planning to do a year ago.
I was sleep when I heard my front door shut hard. I see sincere come in my room so I just turned back over to go back to sleep.

He grabbed me.


He started hitting me and slapping me. "Shut the fuck up" he said. All I could do is cry and protect myself from his hits.

He moved on top of me to close the door. He grabbed that bottle of henny he had "you want fucking embarrass me in front of my boys" he said with a mean look on his face.

I tired to explain but he slapped me again "shut up and don't say shit" he said.

"Sincere okay I'm sorry if I-AHHH" I yelled out from him punching me in my stomach. I felt this sharp pain that.

I seen blood then I blacked out.
Elise POV
"Ughh fuck yes slow down baby" I said. I was getting some bomb ass dick from giovonni again

I just can't seem to stay away from him.


I pressed mute "hold on baby" I said making him stop but he was going slow in it.

"Yes tianna you ok" I said making stop completely.

"Help me" she said then her line just went dead. I got up quick putting my pants on and shoes.

"Where you going"he said getting out the bed looking worried.

"My sister some is wrong I just kno it come on" I grabbed my keys running out the door. I got to car but waiting on this boy.

He came out the building putting his draws on. This boy ran out naked. "Ight let's go" he said getting in the car.
We walked in the building going to her condo and I seen her door crack opened.

I walked in and everything looked fine til I got in the back "oh my god tianna wake up honey" I said. If face was more bruised and blood was coming from her pants.

Ima fuck that sincere up when I catch him.

"I got her go start the car hurry" giovonni said. I ran down the hall and out the building starting the car. He came right behind me and laid her on the back seat.

And that when I drove off quick.
Gio picked her bringing her into the hospital "hey get us some help right now" I said to the lady at the front. At all

She ran to back getting people and they came quick. he sat her down on the stretcher and they rolled her to the back.

I tried calling sincere but he ain't answer. Ima kill his ass for this shit I know he did. "Come just sit down and pray" giovonni said.

I sat down worrying like hell. Why in the fuck he did this when she didn't do shit to him at all.

Ima kill his ass.

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