Chapter 33

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Elise POV
Killin shit for years and I ain't dead yet You can find Youngboy where that Red at It ain't beef nigga if they dont kill yo momma You a bitch nigga and I said it.

I was in the room dancing around with my glock rapping to youngboy song. "Girl shit your nun gangsta acting ass down and come on" sincere said.

I swear I don't like his ass.

I want in the living and these niggas deep ash and one lion like a gold fish. "Y'all know él blocga right, well this girl killed two of her mans" sincere said.

"What nigga you ain't tell me that shit what the fuck" tianna jumped up. I guess she didn't know

"Yeah so I set up a meeting with him in Mexico so we can solve this out" sincere said. I'll be damned if I step near him.
Tianna POV
Oh damn I fucked up yall. If I knew that then I would've drove the fuck off.

For once in my life I'm actually scared bruh cause this dude don't play bruh and I want to live the rest of my life.

"Ight that's the plan so let's go" sincere said.

What this nigga talm bout.

"We leaving right, my private jet is waiting so niggas and niggets let's go" he said.

Oh damn.
"Girl get ya ass on this jet" sincere said.

I refused to get on this jet and go to Mexico to that nigga. Why can't we just do this over the phone, they got those now and days.

"Girl if you don't get your crazy ass on this plane before I tear ya ass up" he said through his teeth. Ouu daddy so demanding, I love getting out in my place.


"Ouch bae that hurt" I said. He slapped my ass so hard bruh.

He know I got a soft butt.

I went to back of the plane and sat dat on the outside cause if I seat on the inside ima throw up. Ian never been in the air befo.

Sincere say in the inside and layed his head on my lap so I just played in his hair.
Oh shit I done fucked around and fell asleep but what the fuck that smell, I know damn well we ain't landed at the farm.

"Whew y'all don't want to go in there boy" this big ass body guard built bitch. Coming out the bathroom smelling uncle buckbuck and cat shit.

Sincere left his head up. "Damnnn big ass boy smelling like old jacuzzi water" he said with his shirt over his knows.


"Who ever done shitted back there I'm finna come and slap the shit out ya and I'm throwing ya ass out in the sky" the pilot said.

I laughed.

10 minutes later I felt the plane hit the ground and it was stopping. I seen a large amount of people in a hanger.

We stopped and everybody was getting off. "Come tianna, we have to do this if you want to live" sincere said.

I hesitated to get off. Finna piss on myself.

"Girl calm down. What the fuck why your knees shaking" Elise said bussing out laughing. This bitch make fun of everything.

We walked in the hanger and I made eye contact with this nigga and man my damn soul left my body.

Mysoul: see what your dumbass done did. Nie I might have to go your stoopid shower rod built ass

Damn my on soul just got me. "Heyyyyy él niño" the man came and dapped up sincere.
(Y'all I took Spanish class but I still don't know what I be talking about 😂)

"Where's the girl ehhh" he said. And somebody pushed me to the front so I turn around and punch they bitch ass.

"Pussy" I said walking to sincere.

"So your the girl that sold me that warehouse and killed my man give me a reason I shouldn't kill all of you ehhh" he said.

"Well when I sold the warehouse nobody knew where it was not even the FBI and your mans followed me in my car hopping out with gun" I said explaining.

My knees shaking like bitch.

A man had came from the back with another man and he was all bloody and beat up "tell him carlos tell him what you did" the man yelled out.

"I did it. I snitch all of you is going to go down" he yelled out. Él blocga walked up to him

"That's a big mistake ehh" he said pulling out a gun.

The man spit on his shoes and before you know he pulled the trigger. "I'm sorry for having you nice people down here" he said.

Thank god you save me until.......

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