Chapter 10

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Shalisa POV
I can't believe She would sit there and fight me. All I was doing is tryna build a strong relationship with my sister but naw I'm the bad guy.

"Heyy you need help with this" a man ask me. He look like he was in his 40s so I'm not interested.

I shook my head no grabbing my bags to go in my hotel room. I guess ima be staying here fro now own cuz I'm not buying no condo or house out here.

"Come Elise you don't have to act like that" the man said. How the fuck he know my name

Damn I got a 40 year old man stalking me. Damn that's what you get for being build like this. "I'm you father Elise" he said.

He stepped into the light and this nigga look just like me. Why in the hell these people want to come around now.

"I know you don't know me but I didn't know you was my daughter until I over heard you being the biggest queen pin of Ohio" he said.

"I'll explain everything over a drink" he said. This better be a good ass story cause if not I'm doing him bad.

Slice his throat straight open. Bye y'all I'm finna talk to my so call dad.
Sincere POV
This girl really was fighting her sister. "Wake the fuck up and come on" I shook her up. She got out car slamming the door with a little attitude.

"Dont be slamming my fucking door girl" I said.

"Bitch that ain't your car" she said.

"We together so it is mines so shut the fuck upand get in the house" I told her. She got me fucked up talking to me like that.

I think them perks kicking in.

I grabbed her bags and shit going into my safe house. I'm finna get her ass straight right now with this attitude cause we not finna do this.

I carried her bags upstairs and seen her standing in the hallway. "Where the room at man" she said with this attitude again.

I put the bags down in the room and grabbed her ass by the throat quick. "Look that damn attitude gone have to go with me. We together now so lose that shit cause I don't play that" I told her.

Fuck she think this is.

"Boy move. We barley know each other talm bout together" she said. She think I'm playing or some .

I looked down putting my hand in her panties inserting a finger in her.

I see she wet.

She gave me a soft moan. I licked and suck that shit off my fingers. "Now you mines" I said.
Tianna POV
I really don't have too much to say besides this nigga crazy and sexy.

Damn I might give the draws if he keep doing that.

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