"It is true that by blood Princess Kou, Shin, and I are all related, however I do not fully understand the concept yet. While it is true that in time I will understand if I stay here, I do not have that desire. The people in Konoha have shown me kindness and hospitality, and I have formed bonds with people there. Naruto was my first friend, and now I have many others as well. They showed me what it was to feel." Aoi began to scratch the back of Hane's head. "I have memories and people that have somehow become important to me. While for a long while I killed without care, the people there have taught me the importance of protecting others. I want to protect Konoha."

At the end of Aoi's small speech, the both sighed slightly in defeat. Komali shook his head. "I suppose I am unable to argue against those reasons. Stay here for lunch however, there is no sense in leaving immediately." Aoi looked about to respond in a negative of the offer, but Komali went on. "And unlike my offer for you to become a guard, this is a direct order from royalty."

Aoi nodded, and a smile broke out on both Komali's and Kou's faces.


Komali's jaw hung open as he stared at Aoi. "So wait... You're telling me that the first time I met Kou... It was actually you?"

To the side, Kou was snickering at her husbands reaction, Komali was flushed a bright shade of red as realization hit him, and Aoi simply nodded. The three were sitting in Komali's private rooms eating lunch together. As the lunch had continued, as well as the conversation, it became clear that Komali was not the person Aoi had originally met. Somewhere along the way, Kou had mentioned Aoi's mission and the first time they had all met. 

Now Komali held his head in his hands. "I had acted so flamboyantly to try and make Kou swoon, and find that it was another man I had acted that way towards. And my wife's brother at that."

"It couldn't have been that bad, could it?" Kou looked at Aoi for support.

The shinobi shook his head. "To be honest, I was very glad when he had finally left."

Komali looked up. "Ah, that's mean!"


"You sure don't sound it..." after peering at Aoi for a second, Komali sighed. "Ah, what has passed is in the past I suppose."

Aoi glanced out the window, seeing the sun lowering past the crest in the sky. He estimated it to be nearing two in the afternoon at this point. Seeing the direction of his gaze, Komali stood up. "It's getting late I suppose. You have to leave soon if you want to make it back to Konoha within the week don't you?"

Nodding, Aoi stood as well. "I should start heading back, yes. The Hokage is expecting me tonight for a meeting." As the meal had continued, Aoi and Komali, as well as Kou, had dropped any pretense of being royalty and shinobi, instead settling into a friendly manner.

"By tonight? How are you going to make that journey that quickly?"

"I will run fast," Aoi replied as if it was the most natural thing in the world to cover that distance in mere hours.

Komali blinked and Kou laughed a little bit. "I guess you would have to..."

Kou stepped forward, circling her arms around Aoi in a hug. "Love you, make sure to visit soon."

Aoi nodded, and he was on his way back to Konoha within the hour.


The day was still rather nice as Aoi continued, but something was off. He stopped on a branch, gazing around the forest around him. Hane settled next to him. The puffed up status of Hane's feathers told Aoi that his companion sensed it as well. Closing his eyes, Aoi quickly formed the handsigns to the jutsu he had created long ago.

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