Spiderman vs. The Lizard

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Izuku was swinging through the city when he gets a phone call from Kyoka "hey babe what's up?" Izuku asked answering the phone "just wanted to know if you were ok Izu or Spiderman." Kyoka said "I'm fine don't worry." Izuku said "Alright talk to you later Izu." Kyoka said then hung up the phone.

<Midorya labs>

"How is the genetic code looking Midorya?" A man asked "the genetic code is looking great doc. Connors." Izuku said typing away at the computer.

 "How is the cell regeneration?" Connors asked "cell regeneration is at two to the third power every ten seconds

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 "How is the cell regeneration?" Connors asked "cell regeneration is at two to the third power every ten seconds." Izuku said "my god." Connors said as he goes to his high power microscope "this is better than I expected." Connors said looking at the hybrid DNA.

"Yeah you know what I got the rest of this go have fun or do paperwork." Connors said looking away from the microscope "are you sure?" Izuku asked "yeah." Connors said looking back at the microscope "Alright if you say so." Izuku said leaving the room.

After Izuku left Connors locked the door and took off his prosthetic arm and picked up a needle with the hybrid DNA and ejected himself with it, his arm started to grow back immediately "it works it actually works HAHAHA." Connors said laughing at the end.

<time skip>

Connors is walking home rubbing his new arm "hey doc your late normally I can set my watch by you." A police officer said getting ready to drive an armored truck to the bank, when a criminal showed and shot the door off it's hinges the police officer went to grab his gun when the criminal put his shotgun in the officer's face "you know what just take the truck." The officer said running away.

"Vermin that's what you are." Connors said and the criminal turned around "is someone talking to you?" The criminal asked pointing his shotgun at Connors "just offering my observation parasites have gotten a bad rep when in fact they are an important part of the animal ecosystem.......vermin should be wiped out." Connors said then the criminal hit him in the gut with the but of the gun.

"We'll see what gets wiped out." The criminal said aiming his gun at Connors' head, then webs are shot at it making the criminal turn and shot in that direction, then he ran into the truck and started driving away.

Izuku swings to the wall on the right of the truck and started crawling then jumped to the building on the truck's left and continued to crawl after it, then he swings in front and lands on the hood of it and taps the windshield "hi are you the local welcome wagon?" Izuku said and started to crawl to the criminal "I'm here to give you brush up course in manners." Izuku said.

Then the criminal pulls out his shotgun and tries to shot him but he dodges it and crawls onto roof "ok." Izuku said as he crawls to the back "we'll on to the advance course." Izuku said webbing the back axle, then jumped off and ripped the back tires off  it crashed into another vehicle, the criminal gets out and starts running when the truck explodes sending him into a spiderweb.

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