With great power comes great responsibility part 1: death

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Izuku woke up feeling different more energetic, stronger, faster and more flexible like he's some kind of super athlete or super soldier.

"Izuku are you up?" Nemuri asked "yeah mom." Izuku said getting out of bed he looks in the mirror and sees he's ripped but what shocked him was he had a six pack "wow this is new." Izuku said flexing in the mirror "hurry up Izuku your father wants  to talk to you." Nemuri said "got it." Izuku said as he stops looking at himself.

Izuku walks downstairs "you wanted to talk  me Dad." Izuku said "yeah I'm gonna give you access to the labs that means you get a lot of power and with great power comes great responsibility." Hisashi said "how do I have power around the labs?" Izuku asked "because your my son making you next in line if you want." Hisashi said "yeah of course thanks Dad but I got to go." Izuku said leaving for school.

<time skip>

Izuku was in the middle of class he lefts his hand to see the paper was stuck to his hand he puts his hand back on the desk and lefts his hand without the paper 'weird.' Izuku thought.

<time skip>

Izuku was walking to his locker when a weird tingling feeling happened and jumped over some guy wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ran into the wall 'ok today keeps getting weirder and weirder.' Izuku thought.

And instead of heading to his locker to outside and into an alleyway, he then looked around to make sure no one was around and started to climb the wall half way up he looked down and got excited "oh hell yeah." Izuku said continuing his climb.

When he reached the rooftop he started running and jumping roof to roof "THIS IS AWESOME." Izuku yelled doing a flip to the last roof he walked to the edge of the roof "I wonder so far I can climb, increased physical abilities and a sixth sense all are spider related so do I have webs." Izuku said before trying different hand signs "guess not that's ok I already have an artificial spiderweb formula." He said climbing down the building.

It's been a week and Izuku hasn't told anyone about his new powers and made a hero suit for when he gets into U.A. he was on his way to the labs to grab some supplies for some projects.

Then his spider sense went crazy and the labs blew up "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Izuku yelled running running to was before it collapsed, Izuku dropped to his knees, Hisashi was in there his Dad was dead he couldn't do anything to save him.

It's been a week since the Hisashi's funeral and ever since then Izuku hasn't left his room and been staring at a suitcase.

"With great power comes great responsibility." Hisashi voice said and Izuku opened the suitcase to reveal the hero suit and web shooters for when he got into U.A.

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Each color cartridge has a different type of webs "this might be stupid but I don't care I want to save Dad but I can't so I'll save everyone else

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Each color cartridge has a different type of webs "this might be stupid but I don't care I want to save Dad but I can't so I'll save everyone else." Izuku said.

To becontinue......................................

(a/n what will happen next to Izuku find out next chapter of The Spider Hero.)

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