I-Iland under attack

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Izuku was on a plane to I-Iland to represent Midoryacorp with him is Kyoka and Kirishima "we'll be landing in five." The pilot said and Izuku got and went into the bathroom to change into his hero suit, then he walks back out right away "how do you change into your hero suit so quickly?" Kirishima asked.

"We have it underneath our clothes." Izuku said sitting down.

<with Katsuki>

"Young Bakugo do you really think young Midorya will be at I-Iland?" Toshinori asked "of course he'll be there he owns Midoryacorp." Katsuki said "I suppose your right Flash." Toshinori said "what did you call me?" Katsuki asked "you have to admit it's a good nickname." Toshinori said "whatever." Katsuki said looking out the window.

<with Izuku>

The plane had just landed and they were going through security 'this is so annoying we should just kill them what am I thinking I kill them I'm a hero.' Izuku as he got through the last check point and everyone started surrounding him "look we get that you're fans but this is unnecessary." Izuku said then jumped over the crowd of people as Kyoka and Kirishima were going around them.
"I think I can wait to have fans." Kirishima said they reached Izuku, then crowd surrounded someone else and Katsuki walked up to them "hey shity hair." Katsuki said "hey Flash." Izuku, Kyoka and Kirishima said in unison "it's spreading faster than I thought." Katsuki said.

Making the others laugh then All Might comes out of the crowd of fans "ah young Midorya, Kirishima and Jirou it's nice to see you here would you to tag along to meet an old friend of mine?" All Might asked "it's uncle David isn't it." Izuku said and All Might nodded "yeah we haven't seen him since he and Dad made the security system for U.A." He said walking away.
"Wait your Dad knew David." All Might said walking behind him "there's alot you don't know about us." Izuku said.

They get a small set of stairs then they hear a girl coming "HEY UNCLE MIGHT." The girl yelled and jumped into a hug "Melissa how have you been?" All Might asked "good oh hey Izuku how have you been." Melissa asked "we've been amazing oh and this is my girlfriend Kyoka Jirou." Izuku said as he wrapped his arm around Kyoka's waist and Melissa was silently jealous of her.
"It's nice to meet you." She said as shacks hands with Kyoka "likewise." Kyoka said as they stop shacking hands.
"So are we going to see uncle David?" Izuku asked "oh right follow me." Melissa said and they followed her.

<time skip>

"Ok guys wait out here." Melissa said as she entered the lab her father was in "so how have you known Melissa?" Kirishima asked "like four years." Izuku said "alright you can come in now." Melissa said All Might bursted into the room "David old buddy how long has it been?" All Might asked "oh come on man don't make me feel old." David said and they both start to laugh.
"It's good to see you." All Might said and steam started to come from All Might 'oh no he's almost out of time.' Izuku and David thought "hey Melissa why don't we leave to let All Might and David catch up." Izuku said "yeah sure bye Dad." Melissa said leading them to the main city.

<time skip>

They were walking around the tech institute "wow to think my Dad help with alot of this along side David." Izuku said "hey guys how's it going." Uraraka asked appearing out of nowhere "hey guys what's up?" Harry asked as they turned around to Momo, Ashido, Harry and Uraraka "well this is a surprise." Izuku said "so how did Bakugo get here?" Ashido asked "oh I came with All Might as a plus cause I want to come here." Katsuki said.

<time skip>

Everyone was at a café 'we are so bord.' Izuku thought there Kaminari gave him his order "here you go." Kaminari said putting the drink on the table "thanks." Izuku said as he took his mask off and started to drink his beverage "so who's the babe over there?" Kaminari asked "why don't you ask her yourself after you finish work." Izuku said "hey guys there's a villain course want to give it a go?" Kirishima asked "yeah we could use a little fun right about now." Izuku said getting up "sure." Katsuki said getting up and following Kirishima.
When they got there Kirishima went first, then Katsuki who cleared it in 5 minutes.
Then it was Izuku's turn 'let's try scatter webs.' Izuku thought then fithteen webs from each hand and pulled them and it made the robots that the webs hit crashed into each other giving him a clear time of 2 minutes 'we beat Flash's time easley.' Izuku thought going back to the others.

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