Training camp begins

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Class 1-A was waiting for the bus to go to the training camp 'where the hell is the that god damn bus.' Izuku thought impatiently "here it comes." Iida said as the bus pulls up 'about god damn time.' Izuku thought and got in and sat in the back and Kyoka sat next to him and the bus started moving "so Izu why have you been saying we instead of I and us instead of me?" She asked 'have we been doing that.' He thought "really we haven't noticed." He said "and there you go again with the we." She said "look it's not a big deal that we keep saying we." He said slightly angrily "calm down Midorya." Iida said "shut it four eyes or we'll rip you apart." Izuku said as his voice echoed "that's not very heroic sounding." Kirishima said "all of you shit up and leave us alone." Izuku said and everyone started to get unsettled and stopped talking.
'Something is going on with him.' Aizawa thought.

<time skip>

Everyone was getting off the bus at the side of a mountain and they see the wild wild pussycats and Mandalay pointed to where the camp is and Izuku jumped into the forest "is that guy crazy?" Pixie-Bob asked "well you're gonna throw them off the mountain anyways." Aizawa said "what?" The class asked before they're thrown into the forest and sees Izuku tearing apart monster after monster "HAHAHAHA WE WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!" Izuku yelled as he destroyed the last of the dirt monsters and everyone was looking at him horrified "what they aren't alive they're just dirt." Izuku said picking up a piece and crushes it making a dust cloud and the class sighed in relief.

<time skip>

Everyone has made it to the camp with them being exhausted except Izuku who was whistling and walking into the cabin "why isn't he exhausted?" Mandalay asked "I have no idea." Aizawa said 'what is going on with you Izu?' Kyoka thought.

<with Izuku>

'Man we are awesome and who needs back up we have ourself.' Izuku thought.

To becontinue............

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