Spiderman vs. Sandman

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Izuku was almost to the door of the class when Momo stopped him "Izuku I want to apologize for want my father did I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore." Momo said looking at the floor "why are you apologizing what happened had nothing to do with you." Izuku said as he entered the classroom.

<time skip a few months>

Everyone has noticed that as time went on the Izuku's fighting style is getting more aggressive causing them to start to get worried especially Kyoka and she isn't a big fan of the black suit "ok class you will be doing final exams soon so you'll be getting time to study and train for two weeks that is all." Aizawa said then he got in his sleeping bag.

"Awwww man I gonna fail so hard on the exam." Kaminari said as he slammed his head on to desk "well I have a private tutor." Ashido said "yeah Harry Yaoyorozu." Hagakure said and Izuku got out of his and started walking towards the door "where are you going Izu?" Kyoka asked and Izuku stopped and looked to Kyoka "we I mean I was going to do some patrolling then come back in time to help you study if you want." Izuku said.

"Yeah that would be nice." Kyoka said then Izuku walked out of the classroom, then opened a window in the hallway and crawls out of it and his uniform changed into his hero suit, then he jumped off and started swinging away.

<with class 1-A>

"Are we gonna pretend that he didn't say we?" Hagakure asked and everyone looked at her "no we aren't I'm gonna ask about it later but you guys should start making study groups." Kyoka said then she walked out of the classroom "she's right you know." Kirishima said "I could help all of you with studying." Momo said then most of the class surrounding her.

<with Izuku>

Izuku was swinging through the city when he noticed sand surrounding a sewer grate "Flint Marko." Izuku said as he dropped down then he rips it out of the ground and throw it to the side then dropped down, when he landed he sees Flint right away then he jumped onto a wall and started crawling towards him.

Flint looked behind himself to see no one "I could have sworn I heard something." Flint said turned around.

Izuku then shots two web lines one on each side of Flint, then he slingshot himself and kicked him in the back knocking him down "hey Sandy would you by any chance know where the Goblin is?" Izuku asked "no even if I did I wouldn't tell you." Flint said as he made his right fist larger then he punches Izuku.

But he recovered almost right away and shot a web line at Flint's face and slams it into the ground, then he hears a train coming so he picks him up from the back of his shirt collar and slammed the side of his head onto the passing train shredding it and knocking out his teeth.

Izuku then lets go and Flint drops to the ground and his face starts to reform, then he pushes Izuku sending him off the underground bridge and quickly runs to grab the money he stole, but Izuku shot a web line and swung back up and kicked him in the back after he grabbed the money knocking him off the bridge.

While in free fall they traded blows and Izuku punched Flint hard enough to hit the ground first and he shot a web line to a wall and pulled himself to and started to crawl down Flint started to reach for his stolen money but his fingers were turning to mud and Izuku took notice and jumped onto a water pipe and started to pull at it.

"P-PLEASE DON'T!" Flint yelled as a bolt shot off then another and another until Izuku ripped it off and Flint was shot with water and he turned into mud "good riddance." Izuku said.

<time skip>

Izuku just got back to the dorms in time to help Kyoka study "hey Izu how was patroll?" Kyoka asked as Izuku sat down next to her "not the best." Izuku said "how so?" Kyoka asked "well me and Sandman got into a fight in the sewers and it started to fill with water I tried to help but he was turning to mud he died." Izuku said 'she doesn't need to know that we ripped a water pipe open on porous.' He thought "the important thing is you tried to save him Izu." Kyoka said bringing him in for a hug.

To becontinue.............................................

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