To be or not to be that is the question

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Everyone was excited to go get their hero licenses "alright class let's give this our all and Izuku can I speak with you." Aizawa said and lead Izuku to a private area to talk "what is it Aizawa?" Izuku asked "what is this?" Aizawa asked holding up the vile of gen-cleanser making Izuku go pale "answer the question Midorya." Aizawa said "it's gen-cleanser where did you find it?" Izuku asked "webbed to the bottom of your desk in your room." Aizawa said
"why were you in my room?" Izuku asked.

"Seriously you bonded with an alien lifeform." Aizawa said "it's called a symbiote." Izuku said "the point is we can't trust you." Aizawa said and Izuku grabbed the gen-cleanser from Aizawa "that's why I made this if something happens because of me it will strip me of my power than there will be no more Spiderman." He said as he put the vile in his backpack "that doesn't sound responsible." Aizawa said "but it's for the greater good all that has happened because of Spiderman because of me this is the only option that I could think of." Izuku said.
"But you're thinking about it all wrong. Midnight told me the saying your father and you use "With great power comes great responsibility."" Aizawa said.

"I know but I don't know what else to do about this ever since I became Spiderman people I cared about got hurt or turned into villains." Izuku said "Midorya you can't save everyone it's the sad truth, but that's why you have your classmates you have Jirou." Aizawa said "but do I even deserve her?" Izuku asked.

"Midorya don't let your past mistakes get to you learn from them improve from them and keep going cause you can't rewrite your past but you can write a better future with your actions." Aizawa said.

"But what if-" Izuku cut off by Aizawa "stop thinking about the ifs and start thinking about what will happen." He said then he walked away 'sorry Aizawa but I already made up my mind.' Izuku thought as he got on the bus to go get their hero licenses.

To becontinue...................

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