Hosu city under attack part 2: Spiderman vs. Stain

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Izuku was swinging through the burning city looking for people to help when he sees "Iida where is he going." Izuku asked himself then landed in front of Iida "where are you going Iida?" Izuku asked "none of your business Midorya." Iida  said trying to go around Izuku.

"You revenge is a terrible color for you." Izuku said jokingly bit yet sternly "what do you mean Midorya?" Iida asked "I know why you picked a hero in Hosu." Izuku said "and why's that?" Iida asked playing dumb "you came to Hosu to fight stain to get revenge for your brother." Izuku said "n-no I picked him to learn from him." Iida said "then where is he?" Izuku asked.

"I-I ummmmmmm." Iida said trying to make an excuse "you don't know cause you ditched him so you could fight Stain on your own." Izuku said "fine you caught me." Iida said "yeah no shit." Izuku said "why do you care you were a vigilante." Iida said "what does that have to do with anything?" Izuku asked "vigilantes always become vigilantes for revenge." Iida said.

"Let me stop you right there not all vigilantes becomes vigilantes for revenge like me I did what I did to protect people and your just a stuck up rich boy." Izuku said Iida was about to say something but was stop when tackled to the ground by Izuku "you ruined my shot." A man said.

"I take it you're Stain." Izuku said getting up "and you're Spiderman a true hero but him he must die." Stain said throwing a knife at Iida but Izuku webbed it to the wall while it was in mid air "yeah I can't let you do that it wouldn't be very heroic." Izuku said then shot a web line at Stain's feet and pulled them out from underneath him making him trip.

Izuku then starts to pull Stain towards himself but Stain cuts the web line with his sword and gets back up and tries to attack but Izuku dodged to the left "didn't your mother teach you not to play with knives?" Izuku asked jokingly then he gets cut across the chest.

"Ow careful with that thing." Izuku said kicking the sword out of Stain's head then sweeps his legs then he does a backflip to create distance from Stain "Iida get out of here now and get backup." Izuku said and jumped on to a wall "NO THIS IS MY FIGHT!" Iida yelled then Izuku webbed his mouth shut "just do what I told you and go get backup." Izuku said dodging a knife from Stain and Iida left the alleyway.

'You just want the fame don't you Midorya.' Iida thought about to run down the street then Izuku was thrown into a car and it's alarm went off and people started screaming and Stain walked out of the alleyway "leave these civilians alone." Izuku said get up and out of the car wreck "oh don't worry I wouldn't dream of it." Stain said walking towards Izuku.

'Or maybe I missed judged him.' Iida thought as he ran off to get Izuku some backup "let's go Stain." Izuku said then Stain tries to punched but Izuku blocked it and tried to roundhouse kick Stain but he ducked underneath it, then he tries sweep Izuku's legs but he jumps over Stain's, then Izuku punches Stain in the face making him stumble.

Then he jumps over him and webs him to a lamppost "just hang here until the police shows up." Izuku said as starts web swinging then he gets a phone call from Aizawa "look Eraserhead this isn't the best time." Izuku said answering the phone "The Green Goblin broke into Midorya Corp and stole the lifeform and is heading to your location." Aizawa said.

To becontinue...........................................

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