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Minhee's POV: [at home, Saturday]

Today's is the day that we go to buy guitar. I start getting used to how Chanyeol annoys Jimin and me in the past few days, thought I still think he's pretty annoying.

I'm not the normal girl so, don't ask me why don't I need to dress myself up. 11am. I think it's the right time to leave.

Wait, footsteps. I can hear that.

"Jongin, come out if it's you." No response.

"Stupid Jongin." Still no response.

"I'm sure that you will regret for not listening to me, I'm coming out." See if I will knock you down.

When I walk out of my room, someone who is holding a knife just want to stab me in my eyes. Luckily I dodge it and some of my hair is cut off.

I turn around and want to take my dagger in the drawer, I should take it with me, but that man grabs my wrist and throw me on the bed. He immediately jumps on me and clamps my waist with his thighs, I try to bounce from my bed but I'm totally immovable.

Another stab! This time he cuts me, he cuts my forearm deeply. I can't let myself die like this! I shift all my strength to my right leg and kick him in his back of his head, he falls down next to me, roars with anger.
I press my wound and run, he suddenly pull my hair to stop me from running. It hurts.


"Who are you!" It's Jongin! He runs towards me and twists that man's wrist to force him drop the knife. That man gives up and jumps out of the window.

"Are you okay???" He lends an arm to support me.

"I could have died if you're not here."

"You're bleeding!"

"Yea I know... But I'm in a hurry." I take a bandage and start wrapping my arm.

"Where do you think you are you going??? This bandage can't help you a lot!" He helps me to wrap it.

"I promise, Jimin and Chanyeol that we will buy guitar later, I have to go." I stand straight after he finishes, it still hurts.

"No, you are not going anywhere without me!" He stands in front of me.

"Okay if you want, come along." I'm late so I pass through him and head cafe.

Chanyeol's POV: [at cafe]

"Where's Minhee, it's 12:30 already~" I asked Jimin.

"I don't know too, we don't have her mobile number tho..." She looks a bit worry.

"Don't worry, I think she's on her way! Let's play some games while waiting for her!"

"Okay, what kind of games~"

"hmm... Ah! can you see the bus? The one that is coming! We can guess how many people is going to get off from the bus, either odd number or even number" I point at the bus which is coming.

"That's interesting! What's the punishment?" Of course punishment is the mainpoint.

"Do a piggyback and spin for 10 times!"

"That's unfair, I'm a girl!" She crosses her arm and pouts.

"5 times then ahahaha"

"Grr fine! Even for me!" She turns around and looks at the bus.

"Then I choose odd number. one of us must lose!" Even if she loses, I won't let her piggyback me. I'm a gentleman~

The bus arrives and the door opens! 1? Just 1? "Wohoo one passenger only! Ready, Jimin?"

"Wait! Look!" She points at the bus.
A granny is trying to get off from the bus!

"Should be 2, Chanyeol! Haha! Piggyback! Piggyback!" She jumps on my back and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Woah! Okay! Ready? Hold on tight!" She keeps screaming and laughing when I spin. 10 times is just too much, I regret now.

"Hey guys, looks like you are having fun. Ready to go?" I stop spinning and see many Minhee and Jongin

"omg Hi! Oh, Jongin is here too!" I wave my arm to say hello.

"Chanyeol, I'm so dizzy hahahahaha! Come on, Minhee let's go!" Jimin walks towards Yoona and holds her hand. But she looks a bit pale, what happen?

Minhee's POV: [at guitar shop]

I saw they were having fun just now, I think they can make a good couple in the future, because both of them looks cute and funny. I also hope Jimin can find her Mr right.

"Are you really fine with it? You look a bit pale." Jongin whispers in my ear.

"I'm fine."

"Come over here Minhee! So many guitars here!" Chanyeol waves his arms in a corner.

He's trying one of the guitars when we arrive. Once again, the quiet Chanyeol appears.

"Hey Jimin, do you like Chanyeol?" I ask her in a low voice.

"What? Wait nonono I know what you saw just now but that's a punishment for the game." She explains.

"But you two looks cute together." I answer her while looking at Chanyeol.

"Don't be silly." She answers.

"What are you talking? Come, Minhee.. Choose one" Chanyeol grabs my arm, exactly on the wound.

"Okay..." Although he's not using strength, my wound is a deep one so it really hurts. I look at Jongin who wants to approach me, hint that don't help me.

I choose one and try to pick it up but I fail, I can't use any strength now. It hurts!

"wtf! Why the guitar has blood on it!" Jimin screams and points at the guitar I'm holding. I'm bleeding again due to the reason that I use my strength to lift a guitar.

"Pay it for me first, Jimin... I got something to do. See you guys Monday..." I give the guitar to Jimin, she looks a bit scared.

"Minhee... your arm..." Chanyeol frowns and steps forward.

"I'm here, let's go home." But I stops him by taking off his jacket and put it on me.

I noded and leave with Jongin. I look back on them, both of them are looking at the blood on the floor. All of a sudden, seems like Chanyeol can feel my gaze, he looks back at me while bitting his lower lip.


Love with HatredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora