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Minhee's POV:  [at class 3A]

I have been struggled about going home or staying here, that yoda could probably follow me until the end of school year if I don't get him another breakfast.

I step into the classroom, try not to turn my head to the classmates' side but I can already feel those eyes on me. Yes, yoda.

"Hello~ you should be Minhee, the new student right? I'm Miss Cheong, maybe you can introduce yourself first?"

"Minhee. Lee Minhee."

I'm not a talker btw, I don't want anyone reads my mind through the dialogue.

"Well I guess our new classmate is a bit shy. Don't worry, I will ask our monitor, Chanyeol, to accompany you first" said Miss Cheong

Words like
"Ohgod I want to be her!"
" Don't touch my boy"
"Chanyeol, please don't fall in love with her"
arouse after Miss Cheong says this.

"No Miss Cheong I don't..." I guess I'm speaking in a low voice.

"Chanyeol? Please take good care of her okay? "

"Okay Miss Cheong :D come and sit with me Minhee~" he leads me to the seat next to him.

"Give me back my breakfast ㅋㅋㅋ" this is the first sentence he says when I sit down. I'm in a trouble.

"Hey, I'm Park Chanyeol~ the one who you bumped into this morning?" huh but he bumped into me. sigh

"You are Minhee, that's a nice name~ where do you come from?" None of your business.

"You know I'm the flower boy here, so you should be happy to be with me~ hahahaha" I'm not that happy...

"Guess how many teeth do I have when I smile? Oh yeah if you want to have white teeth like me, I can teach you!"

Can he just stop talking? He keeps bothering me through the whole class, Miss Cheong why do you have to do this. I already have an annoying brother named Woobin.

"Say something~ you have to be active like me in order to make more friends~" he rests his chin on his hand and looks at me. Is he thinks it's cute? ugh

"I don't need friends."

*bell rings, recess time*

I stand up and leave the classroom.

"You are so strange~ wait for me! I still haven't show you around!" He tries to follow me.

Chanyeol's POV:  recess time

I try to follow her but she is walking so fast. As the happiness delight, I have the responsibility to share the happiness to everyone!

"Minhee~? Where are you?"
Let me guess, I think she will go to somewhere that has less people! So... Roof!

I start climbing the stairs to the roof, there she is! She is eating her breakfast.

"Minhee ah~ am I clever? I think you don't mind if I sit down next to you!" I sit down next to her. She doesn't look at me at all.

"Yah, you owe me a breakfast! Share your food with me~" she passes me her food and continue eating.

"Come on say something~ we can be friends~" I try to talk to her again.

"I don't need friends, I've told you" okay, she talks. I have to keep it up

"Why? Don't you feel lonely?"

"No. I get used to this."

"Oh come on, you can't answer people like this~ hmm, maybe you can ask me something you want to know! Anything!" I bite the sandwiches she gave me.

"... Can you stop talking?"

"That's too hard for me! I mean, I think I would probably die if I don't talk hahahaha"

"...What makes you so happy?"

"That's a good question! Let say in this way, if bad thing happens, feeling sad can't help you solving the problem, it will only increase your burden. When you have two choices, sad and happy, why can't you choose to solve the problem happily? You will at least feel more comfortable while smiling~" I smile at her.

"I feel more comfortable when I look like this." She looks at the floor.

"Yah, you are so strange hahaha, but I can help you~ At least look at me if you are talking to me~" I squat down in front of her, we have eye contact finally.

"Too close yoda." She looks unimpressed and uses her finger to push me away.

"Yoda?" That's interesting! She gives me a nickname!

"Your big ears."

"Hahahaha that's a good nickname! Yet I want you to call me Chanyeol~ or Yeollie if you think we can be really close friend!"

"Yoda." She stands up and start going downstairs.

I think I have to help her, the only reason why she doesn't want to interact with others is that she had some bad memories before. Anyway, she talked to me just now! That's a good starting point!

"Minhee, let's go back to classroom together! And call me Chanyeol please!" I follow her again.


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