"I have heard she has exquisitely pretty daughters," Georgia remarked, her eyes not leaving the carriage.

"Not as pretty as Calypso," said Stella to which mother agreed.

"I am flattered," I said. "But I think we have to save that conversation for later. We have arrived."

Our carriage halted to a stop, as the coachman hurried to open the door. People outside were staring, eyes ready to judge another debutante for this year. With their critical remarks expected, I took one last quick glance at the mirror.

My hair was done beautifully by my mother. It was as if every strand fell into their perfect places. The contours for my face were remarkably applied that any hint of blemishes were covered. On my neck hanged a golden necklace that compliment the dress I was wearing. In my mother and sisters' eyes, I looked ethereal. But I don't see that as I stare at myself.

All I see is a girl scared of how today might turn out. My dark blue eyes showed no hint of excitement, rather they all were worry.

What if I mess up?

What if the Queen doesn't like me?

What if I can't be like my sisters?

My mother tapped me on my shoulders, "You'll be fine."

Her words echoed through my mind that drove off all of the what if's I had. They have always done that for me, and it never fails. "Thank you, mother!"

She patiently waited, until I was fully ready to take a step out of the carriage. Mother helped me stay balanced in my heels as I took a leap from the carriages steps. Stella and Georgia were smiling as they wait for me.

After me, my mother also got out. She was greeted immediately by Lady Featherington whom she got acquianted while I was trying out dresses for this event. With Lady Featherington were three of her daughters, all of whom pretty in their own ways.

All eyes were on me the moment I arrived, but all stares shifted away from me as the carriage behind us stopped. Out came a lady who exuded beauty that every other girl only wish to possess.

Her blonde hair were braided up, with a golden tiara. She wore a silky white dress, embroidered with golden details that complimented the necklace hanging around her neck. The crowd was obviously mesmerized by her beauty, which made me a little bit insecure about myself.

I was too focused on the Bridgerton daughter that taking a step back made me tumble into a guy. Thankfully, his reflexes were fast to catch me before I fall and embarrass myself in front of all the people.

He helped me stand and regain my balance. Unaware of how my savior looked like, I turned around and took a bow. "I'm so sorry."

"I apologize for the rush, milady," he said, head bowed just like mine. "It's entirely my fault."

"Oh, don't bother," I said, looking at his messed up hair and rumpled coat. "If I had not taken a step back, you wouldn't have bumped to me."

He stood properly, and smiled at me. His face looks a little flushed. "If you'll excuse me milady, my sister is waiting for me."

"Oh," I said. "You should get going then."

Just like that, he left without any proper introduction. I followed him with my gaze, as Stella approached me.

"Ooh, did I just see your fairytale moment with the viscount?" teased Stella, grinning.

"Who is he?" I asked, not lifting my eyes off of him. If all eyes were focused on the Bridgerton daughter, mine were on his.

Stella moved closer, attempting to follow my gaze. "He is Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, a bachelor and the brother of Daphne Bridgerton, the lady in white."

"Oh," that's all I said.

He moved through the crowd of people and towards her sister. From this distance, I still managed to eavesdrop their conversation.

"Anthony! You are here," said Daphne Bridgerton to him.

"Of course I am here, sister," He took a split second glance at the carriage then back to Daphne. "I'd never miss such an important day for you and our family."

Viscountess Violet Bridgerton bat a side eye at him upon hearing the conversation. "No, you would be just late for it."

The viscountess gave him a stare. She must have been waiting for his arrival minutes before this.

From where I was standing, I watched as Anthony intertwined his arms with his sister's. The other arm of Daphne intertwined with his mother. With a deep exhale, they all walked into the palace.

As if on cue, mother and Lady Featherington have finished talking. She is now coming my way.

She held out her hand, as I reach for it. "Are you ready, my dearest Calypso?"

I smiled at her. "Yes, mother."

Hands holding each other, mother and I followed the Bridgertons into the palace.

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